Located within Jefferson County this ZIP code is centrally located and approximately 3 miles in radius. It covers both north and south of Bardstown Road within the Watterson Expressway and contains a good portion of Louisville's popular Highlands neighborhood.
Active Listings 40205
Louisville Neighborhoods in 40205
According to the United States Postal Service, the following are cities located within this ZIP code.
- Louisville, Kentucky
These are the Louisville neighborhoods located within the 40205 ZIP code. There may be others as well, that are partially inside this ZIP or unregistered entities.
- Aberdeen
- Alanmeade
- Alfresco Place
- Alta Vista Terrace
- Beaumont
- Big Springs Village
- Bon Air
- Bonnycastle
- Carol Acres
- Cherokee Hills
- Cherokee Village
- Colonial Hill
- Commodore
- Deer Park
- Dukers Addition
- Dundee Estates
- Forest Park
- Hathaway
- Hayfield
- Highlands
- Kenilworth
- Kensington Place
- Kingsley
- Lakeside
- Lakeview, Lakeview Condominium
- Parkside
- Seneca Gardens
- Seneca Village
- Shady Lawn
- Strathmoor, Strathmoor Manor, Strathmoor Village
- Tecomah
- The Springs
- Towne Orchard
- Trough Springs
- University Park
- Valley Vista
- Wellington
- Winston Forest
- Woodbourne
- Zachary Taylor
This list is not exhaustive but covers most subdivisions in 40205.
Want to Sell Your Home in 40205?
The first step is finding out what your 40205 home is worth. It will be my pleasure to serve you!
I'll come by your home for a quick tour, then I'll create a custom Current Market Analysis (CMA) for your home, based on the best, recently sold comps. We'll schedule a time to meet and discuss the findings and take it from there. No obligation whatsoever.
As Louisville's real estate expert, I'll do the best job of getting your home more exposure to more home buyers than other agents. This means selling your home faster and a higher price. Contact me and we can get started!
Neighborhood Map

40205 Demographics
Population: 25,161Median Age: 41.9
Household Size: 2.23
Maps on Google: 40205