Beginner’s Guide to Property Investment: Key Steps and Considerations

Welcome to our beginner’s guide to property investment! Investing in real estate is quite intimidating, especially for beginners. Without proper knowledge, it’s challenging to make a breakthrough in property investment. Below we’ve outlined your learning on property investment that leads you to low mortgage rates and high return on investment-

  • What is property investment?
  • Which types of property can you invest in there?
  • Benefits of property investment 
  • 5 key steps to follow before investing 
Photo of a real estate agent with two buyers evaluating an investment property - Beginner's Guide to Property Investment
When you’ve never done something before it can be quite scary. It’s smart to equip yourself with knowledge before moving forward.

Beginner’s Guide to Property Investment

Let’s get started!

What Is Property Investment?

According to Investopedia, “property investment” is the purchase of real estate with the intention of earning an ROI (return on investment) through rent or capital appreciation. This investment is not for the owner’s primary residence, but instead generates income through rental or resale. A real estate investor may be a sole proprietor, a partnership, or a company. 

Why invest in property?—this is a common question among newbie investors. Why don’t others like stocks? Though stocks are easy to liquidate and sell, property investments provide long-term financial stability. 

Additionally, it can be a short-term investment or a long-term project. 

People frequently choose short investments like flipping or micro-flipping in order to receive a higher return. but in our opinion, investing in real estate should be a long-term strategy because the risks are lower than in short-term investments and the rewards are longer-lasting. 

Let’s take a look at investment chances in the real estate market for different types of property!

Types of Property Investment

When it comes to property investment types, we tend to stick with two types of investment properties: direct and indirect. 

Direct investments, such as rental or residential properties, require your money, time, and potential physical labor. However, indirect property investment does not require you to own or manage the property personally; for example, real estate investment trusts (REITs), real estate funds, or real estate crowdfunding.

Some common property investment types are based on the investor’s goals and strategies.

  • Vacant land: This type of investment property is where investors look for land to buy and rent, buy and build, or buy and sell. It falls primarily under residential properties. 
  • Buy-to-let: This is a type of property in which the purchaser purchases properties to rent out to tenants. Because rental income provides a consistent cash flow, it can cover expenses and mortgage payments while generating some profit. 
  • Flipping: It is the most active type of property investment. In this case, you buy the house, make repairs and upgrades, and then sell it. 
  •  Micro-flipping: This type of property investment involves buying properties for less than their potential market value and quickly reselling them without any upgrades. It is less risky and expensive than flipping.
  • ADUs (accessory dwelling units): This property has extra spaces for living on the property that you rent out to generate passive income from your current property. It is in high demand in university areas.
  • Commercial property investment: This property type targets high-class businesses and has the potential to generate higher rental income. 
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): This investment allows individuals to invest in diversified portfolios that gain greater exposure to the real estate market without directly owning and managing properties.

Above, the property investment types help you decide what kind of real estate investment you want to make.

Benefits of Property Investment 

Property investment is an attractive option for several budding investors. Let’s take a look at the benefits that clearly depict why real estate can be an attractive investment option-

  • It has the potential to generate a consistent cash flow through rental income. 
  • If you pick the right location and time, real estate properties’ values rise over time. 
  • It could be your long-term security, allowing you to generate a steady monthly income. 
  • Investing in real estate has tax advantages because you can deduct a variety of property-related expenses.
  • You can avoid economic turmoil by investing in properties that have the potential to appreciate in value while shielding you from other investment consequences.
  • Nowadays, as inflation rises in several countries, it can save you from massive financial losses and protect your money.

We now move on to our main topic, which aims to prevent you from making bad investments.

5 Important Steps to Take Before Investing in Property

As a novice investor in real estate, it can be difficult to get going, but don’t worry—we will show you the way. Before making the important decision to purchase a property, keep these factors in mind.

1. Research the Property Market

The property market is highly crowded. If you want to own property, you should conduct market research with patience and perseverance; otherwise, you will not be able to get your desired property. Make sure to thoroughly investigate the property prices, vacancy rates, potential growth in the area, and everything else.  

For example, In terms of the UK real estate market, the residential property market will be worth 340.58 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 5.75%. Whereas the commercial property market will be worth 56.8 billion, with a growth rate of approximately 5% after being severely impacted by COVID.

2. Determine Your Budget and Financing Options

Budgeting is one of your significant steps because if you do not know your budget and financing options, you will be in a state of confusion. Simply decide how much money you want to start investing in real estate and how much risk you are willing to take.

Investing in real estate is not an easy task. So, before you make a decision, investigate available funds, loan borrowing capacity, interest rates, and other potential costs to assist you in managing your expenses. 

3. Identify the Property You Want to Buy

Finding the right property can be your biggest commitment. That’s why you make a checklist of your property investment objectives. 

Don’t forget to look at the target market’s demand and the proximity of amenities, locations, and good transportation links. If a property checks all the boxes on your list, it should be a good investment.

4. Understand Legal and Tax Obligations

Without property legal knowledge, you should never rush into investing in properties that are risky for you. Learn everything you can about local property laws, regulations, and tax obligations to ensure that you do not break any rules. Otherwise, it is prohibitively expensive. So it is best to consult with property tax or financial advisors so that you can take advantage of substantial tax benefits such as depreciation deductions.

5. Know How to Minimize Risk and Maximize Potential Returns

When you evaluate risk, you have the ability to reduce it while maximizing potential returns. It is so obvious that there are market fluctuations and hidden costs. Diversify your property investment potential to reduce risk while increasing your chances of maximizing potential returns.


Thank you for sticking around to the end. I hope our Beginner’s Guide to Property Investment clarifies any ambiguities you may have. Don’t forget to share your experiences with us!

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.