Commercial Building Remodeling Ideas that Can Increase Value

It is always important for a business to stay up-to-date with its practices, but it is also important for the buildings that house businesses to stay up-to-date.  A building is the first in-person representation of a business.  What a building looks like on the outside gives a potential client an impression of what things will be like with the business inside. We are going to give you some remodeling ideas that can increase the value of your commercial properties.

Photo of a business lobby - Commercial Building Remodeling Ideas that Can Increase Value
Your lobby is very important for setting the mood of your business at the start of your customer experience.

What Needs Remodeling?

The first thing you need to evaluate before any renovations take place is scope. That’s just a fancy word for “what we’re going to do.” 

There can be a variety of reasons for renovations from new tenants, damage, or updating a current space.  Whatever the case, it is important to identify what needs remodeling and how the remodel will help the business. Just like a home renovation, you’ll want to set a proper budget.

The Entrance and Usable Space

The entrance is the portal into the business.  The type of entry portrays a message to a client.  From new lighting and windows to adequate lobby space, the entrance is an important glance into the business.  People entering the business want to feel safe, secure, and confident that they chose to visit this business. 

If there is space available, use it.  Making usable space functional is a big renovation plus that can have long-term benefits.  You might want to repurpose a lobby or waiting room. Maybe reorganizing how desks and office spaces are set up can improve flow. Things can be simple but the goal is to make the business run more efficiently.

Flooring Renovations

Photo of a meeting room
Reworking a hardly used space into a frequently used space is one the best remodeling ideas that can increase value.

Make the most of the floors.  Yes, floors are truly walked all over. But if you upgrade the flooring it can really give the building and business space curb appeal and added value.  

Use carpet sparingly. Hard flooring options stand up to high traffic and can improve the “wow factor.”  Carpets can also hold odors and stains.  In addition to giving it an updated look, cleaning floors can be much easier than carpets and they will also likely last much longer.  

General Spaces and Bathrooms

Another important renovation to help increase value is to determine if there is adequate space for kitchen and dining areas for the employees. Clean and spacious bathrooms for both the employees and the customers are very important as well.  

Do people need to wait in line to use the bathroom? Is the dining area cramped? If so, those spaces need renovation. 

Consider the average number of people that will be sharing a common space. Then use that number to determine the amount of the size of the space dedicated to these tasks.

Energy: Be Smart

The public as a whole has become extremely energy-conscious.  By putting money into remodeling things like heating and cooling and lighting to be energy efficient, you’re showing the business is up-to-date. Not only are you being a more environmentally-friendly business, but you are also taking the time to save money in a smart way for the future. 

Make Timely Repairs

It is a guarantee that repairs will come up. For example, if you ignore a leaky faucet, that can turn into a major (and costly) problem.  

However, it can also become an opportunity to make a simple upgrade and aesthetic improvement.  Letting things go without repair will only cause more problems and damage which means more costs.

External Improvements

Just as it is important to renovate the interior of a building, it is just as important to renovate the exterior of a building.  Having a sign that is functional and easy to read lets customers know where the business is located.  

Also, simple renovations such as painting, flowers, and landscaping are external renovations that can be done.  The external part of the building is a customer’s first impression of the business.  It may be well worth it to hire a great team of commercial painters to boost your curb appeal and the value of your building.

Structural Renovations: Know What Is There

Something that people may not always be able to see but is extremely important is structural renovations.  Having a solid and sound structure is important to the integrity of your building.  These likely do not fall into the category of “remodeling project” but they’re important to keep your eyes on.   

A solid foundation, a waterproof basement, and a roof without leaks are all examples of structural renovations that can help increase a building’s value. It is also important to know what the structural system of a building is like ahead of making plans for renovations. 

Safety Is Always Important

Business security needs to be a high priority. Regardless of the type of business, safety must be a consideration for building renovations.  This type of renovation could mean something as simple as having a security guard on the premises. 

Both businesses and their customers want to feel safe and secure while visiting the building.  Make sure there is sufficient lighting in parking areas. Stay informed about current building codes when it comes to accommodating disabled employees and customers.  

People who require ramps, specialized parking, and even elevators should be considered during a renovation.  Even if there are currently no disabled people visiting or working at the building, renovations must take place to let people know that all are welcome.

Be Smart

Maybe your building isn’t modern like this one, but there are ways to give off the same impression through specific remodeling strategies.

Make the most of the renovations.  There are a number of remodeling ideas that can increase the value of any commercial space. Ask renovation planning questions that will help save time and money, but also to prioritize renovations that need to take place.  Have a plan of action.  Doing the right renovations the right way will not only pay off in increased property value but also higher sales.

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.