How to Choose a Location for Your Property Investment

By now, everyone is familiar with the huge host of benefits that can be gained when you invest your cash in property. No one can deny the many advantages that property investment holds over other forms of money management. After all, who doesn’t want to have an investment that is actually tangible? For that, you can’t beat bricks-and-mortar. But how exactly do you choose a location for your property investment?

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How to Choose a Location for Your Property Investment

While there is no doubt at all that property investment has a strong appeal. There is no denying that it can deliver impressive yields. But first, you must spend your cash in a considerate way and not part with it easily. 

Likely the biggest and most pressing decision you are going to be faced with is settling on a location. This is a huge consideration, and you must never, ever overlook the importance of this. Taking chances when buying properties is risky. Choosing to tie your cash up in a property without fully understanding the area could come at a huge cost.

Before you get your investments started and hand over cash in exchange for bricks-and-mortar, the subject of locations requires your attention. Here’s what you need to think about, research, and then research some more before committing.

What Will You Do with the Property?

The first idea to consider when thinking about how to choose a location for your property investment is the “What.” Do you hope to create a haven for vacationers to get away from city life and soak up some rural charm? Maybe you want to attract the surfing crowd with an ocean-front condo? The vacation rental market is just one option, but it will seriously influence your location choice.

If vacation lets aren’t for you, maybe you don’t like the fast turnover of renters and the hassle of changeovers. Then, you may want to dip into the residential rental market. Longer-term tenants mean less fuss for you (in theory). Residential rentals should also give you that much-needed steady income stream to enjoy.

Making money from either of these rental types is based on very different location choices. So, do you want to pay more for a vacation property in a tourist hot spot? Or, how about enjoying year-round income from a residential rental in a cheaper location? Only you know which will make the most sense for your finances and commitment levels.

Will You Ever Live in It?

Do you have any inclination to ever live on the property? An investment property makes an ideal way to build your income over many years and provides you with a home at the end of it. If this is all a part of your plan, location becomes of even greater importance.

First, you want stunning surroundings around which to base your life. Next, you also need plenty of amenities and services to give you loads to do. But, while these other things are pretty obvious, tax is something you may have forgotten. 

For pretty obvious reasons, tax incentives are an attractive factor when you begin selecting a place to live. So considering a place with an income tax exemption for your rental can be a super wise idea. For those of you in the United States, Puerto Rico is a property investment option that could bring benefits.

What’s Planned for the Area?

The past is, well, in the past, but when you buy property, it matters in the present. Why? Well, an area’s reputation has a massive bearing on its property values and whether people actually want to live there. So blindly investing without digging around in the past to get a proper feel for the location is a seriously bad idea.

Has there been deprivation, poor schools, nothing to do, and no places to go in the area? If so, you may have a hard time getting tenants. It can take years for locations to shake a reputation, so you need to consider this and research it before you sign up to buy. 

Are You Ready to Invest?

Investment takes research. Fail to complete proper research, and you could be left with an empty property and a ton of debt. Working away on researching all the factors that have been mentioned is essential. Buying rentals is a serious investment, so you cannot be too cautious in your research. 

It may seem like a hassle to go through and research carefully when you just want to get your first rental property bought. But, your patience will win in the end. In the long term, you should see the financial gains that prove it.

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.