Top Tips for Relocating to Louisville 

When you are looking to relocate to a new area and a new place, you need to have as much information to hand as possible. The more information that you have, then the more informed your decision and choice will be. In this piece, we’re going to look at four great tips for relocating to Louisville. There are more but we want to keep this post brief.

Photo of a Federal style house in Louisville Kentucky - Top Tips for Relocating to Louisville 
Relocating to Louisville means teaming up with the best real estate professionals.

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How to Get Started with Real Estate Investing: A Beginner’s Guide

Real estate investing is the oldest and most popular form of investment in America. It’s a tried-and-true way to make money. However it can be challenging for someone who isn’t familiar with the market to get started. Here are ten tips to help you get started with real estate investing!

Photo of a small house in Lyndon Louisville Kentucky - How to Get Started with Real Estate Investing: A Beginner's Guide
The smaller the home the easier it is to purchase and lease out. | Credit: Tre Pryor

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3 Key Interior Design Strategies for 2022

Making changes to the interior of our homes is something that plenty of people have done over the years. Whether you are looking to stay on-brand with what is trending in pop culture or have simply grown tired of your current interior choices, it is a process that many of us navigate from one time to another. Read on to learn some key interior design strategies to springboard you into the new year!

Photo of a modern living room - 3 Key Interior Design Strategies for 2022

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4 Strategies for Managing Your HOA

Have you ever thought your neighborhood was poorly run? This may not describe everyone, but maybe you would enjoy managing your HOA so that it runs more smoothly. Being a part of a robust community of homeowners in a condo or townhouse community can be a challenging, thankless job, but it can also be quite rewarding. 

HOA graphic - 4 Strategies for Managing Your HOA

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5 Basic Ways of Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is one of the oldest forms of investment. And a lucrative one at that. The average annual return for real estate investments in 2019 was an impressive 10.6 percent. This is great because it’s higher than the average for all investments at 8.6 percent. But how does it work? Read on to learn the five main ways of real estate investing.

Photo of aerial view of houses - 5 Basic Ways of Real Estate Investing
Real estate has been an investment asset since the dawn of time.

If you’re interested in real estate investing and hope to get involved, you need to understand that there are different investment strategies and methods you can use. Let’s take a look.


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Home Inspection Checklist: Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a House

A home inspection is a comprehensive assessment of a house. It is a crucial step for anyone considering purchasing a new home in Louisville. You might be wondering whether to pay this extra expense after already spending a large sum on the house. Let me walk you through this home inspection checklist that covers all the key elements. 

Photo of a worker taking notes on a clipboard - Home Inspection Checklist: Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a House

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New Year’s Resolution to Improve Your Space

No matter how large or small your home is, it’s necessary to create sufficient space to make it look bigger and more inviting. Desiring to start fresh in all aspects sets the right mood and attitude for a new year. So, without further ado, here are seven ideas for your New Year’s resolution to improve your space.

Photo of storage shelves used as a space divider - New Year's Resolution to Improve Your Space

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7 Benefits of Basement Waterproofing

Despite how rewarding it is to have your own property, being a homeowner is still demanding. Much like taking care of yourself, maintaining a house requires a lot of effort, money, and time. In exchange, your home ensures you have a secure shelter. In this piece, we’ll take a look at seven valuable benefits of basement waterproofing.

Photo of a mason performing some concrete work - 7 Benefits of Basement Waterproofing

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Fencing and Your Property Line

A common question many homeowners have is, “Can I put a fence on my property?” And rightly so, there’s the old adage, “Good fences make good neighbors.” So, before you start digging or calling a fence company to do the work for you, there are a few things you should know about fencing and your property line.

Photo of a home with a white picket fence - Fencing and Your Property Line
The American Dream suggests having a white picket fence is a must. | Photo by Scott Webb

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Why You Should Pay Off Your Home Mortgage Faster

For most people, the thought of paying off your mortgage early is an appealing one. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to go about it without leaving themselves financially unstable. So it stays a distant dream. Read on how to learn strategies that will help you pay off your home mortgage faster.

Photo of a couple working with a real estate professional - Why You Should Pay Off Your Home Mortgage Faster

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What’s with Needing a Co-Signer for an Apartment?

Renting your first apartment is a life-changing experience for many people. As a renter, you’re out on your own with nobody to tell you to clean your room or tell you what to do. The problem for many first-time renters is not only providing income but also providing a stable rental history. After all, how are you supposed to provide rental history if this is your first apartment home? Luckily for you, that is where a co-signer for an apartment comes in.

Photo of a cool apartment - What's with Needing a Co-Signer for an Apartment?

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Louisville Home Sales Chart, Updated

We haven’t published as many real estate market charts in recent years. More people are looking for home improvement, interior design, or general real estate advice pieces. But that doesn’t mean we can’t throw one in for fun every so often, right? So here’s the newly updated Louisville home sales chart for the period 2002 through 2021.

Louisville home sales chart (2002 - 2021)
Louisville home sales chart updated through 2021.

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6 Key Tips for First-Time Renters

If you are going to be renting your first apartment, then you will want to have all the information in hand so you can get approved quickly and avoid any unnecessary delays. You really should know the following six tips for first-time renters before you apply for your first place.

Photo of a lease agreement - Tips for First-Time Renters
One of the key tips for first-time renters is buying the right renters insurance.

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4 Strategies for a Quick House Sale

Selling a house can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. Some of the challenges you’re likely to face when selling your home include choosing the wrong real estate agent, attaching the wrong price tag, being too emotional about it, and others. This causes you to take ages to get a potential buyer for your home. But, you can overcome those hurdles with these four strategies for a quick house sale.  

Photo of a home with a For Sale sign in front - 4 Strategies for a Quick House Sale

We’re going to start with the most important one first but read all four of these simple yet effective strategies for a quick house sell.


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