Have an upcoming vacation? This piece will outline the four most important things to prepare your home before vacation. We’ll get you started! Then, once you’ve arrived at your destination, you’ll enjoy some enhanced peace of mind.
![Photo of a mother and children splashing in the pool on a family vacation - 4 Ways to Prepare Your Home Before Vacation](https://trepryor.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/family-vacation.jpg)
4 Ways to Prepare Your Home Before Vacation
Whether you’re heading out to your favorite vacation rental property or you own your own vacation home, no one can deny that vacations are awesome. But what about your home while you’re gone? Here are four ways to prepare your home before vacation.
1. Double-Check Your Refrigerator
Ooh, you forgot to remove the sausages during the last vacation you went on and the house was smelling worse than a sewer by the time you came back! Be proactive and don’t buy groceries that need refrigeration during the week that is leading up to your traveling dates. Make sure that you dispose of all the food that is near its expiry date and look around for any fruits and vegetables that are on your countertops since they will start rotting and start attracting all manner of insects.
2. Clear out Trash
Empty out all your rubbish and wash out the trash cans. If you forget the bathroom and kitchen trash cans, you may find a pesky squatter has moved in. You will have to contend with the rank smells from the rotting material in the trashcans and the rancid odor of a skunk or mongoose! That will not be a nice welcome home.
3. Adjust Your Thermostat
Your thermostat should also have a break while you’re away. Turn it down to save on energy, but make sure you don’t switch it off so that the humidity does not encourage mold to grow. Have a look at your water heater settings and flip the switch to holiday mode so that there is enough energy to keep the pipes from freezing, and allow the fire and garden sprinklers to carry on their duties without impediment.
4. Utilize Timers
If you want to discourage burglaries from occurring, you may want to simulate the presence of someone at home by having the house appliances and lights switched on and off during the period you are away. You can use analog timers, or, if you choose to use smart bulbs and plugs, you can control your appliance with your smartphone.
Inspect your kitchen appliances to make sure that they do not have leaks, especially the appliance that uses water. If your dishwasher, refrigerator, or washing machine springs a leak, you could be returning from your vacation to find some severe water damage on your floors and ceilings. Always remember that it is true what the old wives’ adage teaches; a stitch in time does save nine.
Final Thoughts
When you have checked off all the items on the checklist, go back again and repeat every step to make sure that you will not be second-guessing yourself while on vacation. You might also want to investigate home security cams to watch your place while away. That way you will be able to enjoy yourself more when you are not worrying about the homefront situation. Confirm what the weather is like at your vacation destination and have a super time.