Ok, it’s pet peeve time. Feel free to chime in with your own. 1st Amendment baby!
So tell me… how many times has the following situation has played out for you.
My Own Real Estate Pet Peeve
You are looking for something on the Internet. You’ve hit the search engines, browsed Web site after Web site, finally locating just what you need then go to click on the Add to Cart/Checkout/Contact Us link or button only to be thwarted. Argh!
I constantly find this in real estate. Far too many agents are either fearful of email spam or are too lazy to deal with them appropriately that a very large number of them refuse to post their email address on their Web site.
Stop and think about this for a second.
The first and foremost action that a Realtor wants from someone visiting their Web site is for that person to contact them. Yet, they either hide that very piece of information on some far-away page or don’t publish it at all! Insanity!
Most Realtors will post their phone numbers because spam of that sort hasn’t grown to gargantuan proportions just yet, but with email, many agents simply won’t post it. But what if this visitor doesn’t like calling people on the phone and simply had a quick question that they were happy to send via email?
Listen, no one likes email spam but the alternative, especially in this real estate market, is far, FAR worse.
Make It Easy for Real Estate Leads to Contact You
So to that real estate agent who wonders why your Web site isn’t generating those leads you had been hoping for, here’s a tip.
Contacting you, whether by phone, email, text or post office should be the easiest thing anyone does on your Web site.
It’s not New Years yet, but that might make a great resolution. What do you think?