3 Surprising Secrets on How to Market Your Real Estate Business

Years ago, in-person networking was the way to market your real estate company to get your name out there. This is no longer the case. Even before social distancing, the way people were buying homes and looking for real estate agents was changing. In this article, we will highlight three of the best ways to market your real estate business.

Photo of a person working on their laptop - 3 Surprising Secrets on How to Market Your Real Estate Business
Everything is digital these days. Online marketing should be a priority for all real estate professionals.

In today’s market, you not only have to have expert marketing skills offline but online as well. It’s not just the millennials who are looking online for homes… So are baby boomers. 48% of baby boomers shopped online for homes compared to 6% who asked a friend or relative.

If you want to be successful, you have to know how to market yourself online and offline. You’re going to have to find a way to stand out from your competition and make your potential clients remember your name. Below we’ve put together three tips so you can make an excellent first impression. 

1. Social Media

We may as well start with the most obvious way to market your real estate business. Social media is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Facebook is still the best way, but you may not have thought about other social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. 

To build up relationships, you need to follow specialized groups and be active. Comment on other people’s posts, answer questions, and make your statuses sharable. Commenting and liking statuses are not the only things you need to do, you’ll also want to make thoughtful and educational posts.  

A proven technique to build a following on Instagram is to get your followers to engage with you. The best way to do this is to post compelling Instagram stories and focus on building your brand.

People also respond to is giveaways. An example of how you could do this is to have a photo caption contest. Post a photo that is interesting or unusual and has people post their captions in the comment section. The winner of the contest will receive a gift for coming up with the most creative caption. You can take this tactic a step further and use branded, personalized gifts in your giveaway.

Pinterest is quickly becoming one of Google’s top search results. Create informational boards with ideas to help people improve their living area and then include links to your real estate company. Each social media platform gives you a space to showcase yourself. Make sure you write a bio that showcases your business and makes you stand out. 

An experienced social media marketing firm with experience in real estate can help you find your target clients and help you find ways to start interacting with them. 

2. Invest in a Trusted Real Estate Marketing Firm 

Instead of focusing on every real estate marketing effort yourself, let experts help you so your efforts are optimized. This is especially true if you have a lot of real estate competition in your area. Ask yourself questions such as what they enjoy doing or what groups they are involved in. Answering these two questions is an excellent way to start to build a relationship with them.

Going with a real estate marketing firm will not only help you with digital marketing but traditional marketing as well if you prefer a more generalized approach versus niche-specific marketing.

3. Start A Blog

The idea here is to grab potential clients’ attention. Make sure your real estate blog focuses on your target audience and shares information they would be interested in. If your target area is Lousiville, Kentucky, you could write about things like the top three restaurants in the area or the best local parks. You should expand your picks by letting your reader know why you chose those and their unique features. 

Include a lot of pictures and other forms of graphics such as charts or graphs. Think of what your target audience would like information about. If a family has school-age children, they will probably want information about schools. Give them that information. How many teachers per student, if the school is considered a passing or failing school, and other important information. 

Create a lot of different blogs but also mix in some videos along with ebooks and infographics. One of the most important things you can put on your blog is a share button. The share button allows individuals to share their blogs on other social media sites and this is a great and free way to market your real estate business. 

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.