3 Top Ways to Boost Curb Appeal

How your home looks from the exterior is a big deal. Ensuring that your house fits in with its surroundings can be crucial for attracting interest, establishing an asking price, and ensuring that you get a good return on your initial investment. Read on to learn the three best approaches to boost curb appeal.

Home in Bridges of Razor Creek neighborhood Louisville KY - 3 Top Ways to Boost Curb Appeal
Winter is a great time to plan for your home’s future improvements. | Photo: Tre Pryor

3 Top Ways to Boost Curb Appeal

However, ensuring that your house complements its surrounding environment doesn’t mean eliminating all its personality and characteristic quirks.

There are large numbers of ways to boost curb appeal but each has its own cost versus benefit. Here are our top suggestions for ensuring that your house suits its surroundings and how you can implement them for a more modern, refreshed living space.

1. Paint Wins the Day

First impressions are everything in the real estate world and are not easily changed once they’ve been made. One of the biggest turn-offs for guests visiting your home is a deteriorating home exterior, especially chunks of missing or scuffed paintwork, whether on the inside or outside of the property.

This can be even more evident if the properties surrounding your house are well-maintained and cause your home to stand out for the wrong reasons. Therefore, ensure that you avoid this by regularly maintaining your home’s painted exterior to boost curb appeal and avoid more costly repairs.

You could easily do this yourself, or you could consider enlisting the services of an exterior painting contractor who will be able to carry out the work on your behalf. Most companies will be happy to provide cost estimates and detailed information about their services.

2. Consider New Siding

Depending on the age of your property, its current exterior may be considered a little outdated. The same may hold true for your neighbors but maybe not all of them. If your home has aluminum or vinyl siding, it might be time to update to something better.

Composite siding has been on-trend for years now. New construction has been using Hardy Plank and similar products for close to a decade due to its many benefits.

It’s not inexpensive but updating your home with brand new composite siding will boost curb appeal a great deal. You’ll be installing a refreshed, modern look that people will truly appreciate.

Make sure to shop around to get the best deal. Ask your expert Realtor to give you his recommendations. The work itself can be completed in less than a week but the benefits will last for decades.

3. Updated Landscaping Is Always a Winner

This one is on every list of the most bang-for-your-buck home improvements. Why? Because the cost is far less than the updated look you receive.

Nothing can make your property stand out for the wrong reasons than overgrown trees, bushes, and an unsightly lawn. All of your neighbors might already be wishing you’d tackle your home’s landscaping.

So, cut the grass regularly, sweep up leaves, tend to garden pathways, and keep your shrubs properly trimmed. Here are some other great ideas to make your garden the talk of the neighborhood. Doing so will not only help your home fit in with its surroundings but boost your mood each time you come home.