4 Local Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Try This Year 

Today, almost every entrepreneur is interested in investing in real estate. It allows them to enjoy good returns and stable cash flow. You can also put your money into real estate to diversify your investment and build great wealth. But what are currently the best real estate marketing ideas to help you do this?

Real Estate Marketing Ideas - 4 Local Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Try This Year 

4 Local Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Try

Although investing in real estate helps promote your finances, sometimes the process isn’t always sunshine and rainbow. This is especially true if you’re a newbie trying to penetrate the local market. There are some big brands already controlling the real estate market. Fortunately, you can leverage the power of marketing to compete with other firms in the industry.  

Here are effective local real estate marketing ideas you should consider this year.  

1. Optimize Your Website For SEO 

If you’re looking to connect with hundreds of local clients, you must build a real estate business website. A website advertises your real estate brand to potential customers. It also enables you to continuously engage with clients during working and non-working hours. You’ll likely generate more sales with a website. But you have to localize your website for your target community to relate well to it.

In spite of the many benefits of creating a website, it might not help you if it’s not built with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. This is the practice of enhancing your business website to rank high. An effective SEO strategy often goes hand-in-hand with well-managed online advertising campaigns. Integrating Google Ads services into your marketing mix can significantly amplify your online presence, drawing more targeted traffic to your real estate website.

It’s the goal of real estate business owners to enhance their websites to appear on the first ten listings of the search results. When your website ranks high, it increases the visibility of your brand. So, more clients will likely connect and buy from you.  

You can consider some simple yet effective tips to optimize your real estate business website for SEO. These include optimizing it for mobile devices, providing a search bar, increasing the loading time, building backlinks, and more.  

2. Invest in Postcard Marketing 

If you’re looking to reach a more targeted audience, you must invest in postcards for real estate. This is a form of direct mail advertising you can use to attract leads to your business’ website. But first, create a list of prospective clients in the community 

Apart from allowing you to reach your target audience with ease, postcard marketing is cost-effective and versatile. Besides, the strategy is measurable. For that reason, you’ll know whether it’s bringing better results or not. Select a suitable tool to help create effective postcards for your real estate business.  

3. Don’t Forget Content Marketing

Real Estate Marketing Ideas graphic

Content marketing is the backbone of online marketing. There are literally thousands of real estate blogs, most focused on local markets like these Louisville real estate blogs. They allow you to engage with consumers. For that reason, it’s pretty obvious that you should take advantage of blogging to promote your real estate business.  

Content marketing is the practice of publishing materials on your website and other online channels. Common online materials include videos, blogs, and pictures.  

If you decide to invest in these real estate marketing ideas, it’s important to ensure that any material you publish online is helpful to users in your target community. Why is that important? It’s important because one of the reasons clients would want to visit your business platforms is to find valuable information.  

That’s to say that, with helpful content, many clients will likely engage with your brand. This allows you to generate more leads and sales.  

Apart from creating helpful content, it’d be good to add competitive keywords to it. These are the most searched words or phrases by clients when searching for services or products related to your real estate business. Including the right keywords in your content enables more clients to connect with your brand.  

4. Put Things on Social Media 

Are you looking to grow your real estate company within the shortest time possible? If yes, you must become active on social media. Seek out platforms with a significant number of users from your target community.  Performing the other real estate marketing ideas but not sharing everything on social media is missing the boat.

Most real estate clients spend time searching for helpful information, products, and services on social media. Therefore, it’d be good to promote your real estate firm on social media to connect with a large online audience.  

Social media is one of the best ways to connect with communities near you. Besides, it allows you to communicate with them in real time to enhance experience and satisfaction. This also helps your real estate company beat the competition and generate more sales.  


Today, most people are looking to own lands, houses, and other properties. For that reason, you’ll likely get customers for your real estate business.  However, you must market your brand to outshine other firms in the local market. You can consider the real estate marketing ideas explained in this article to take your real estate business a notch higher.  

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.