As a Louisville home seller, you’ll need to find out more about moving your belongings before getting started. Moving can be an organized state of affairs or it can be a disorganized disaster just waiting to happen. Here are five must-know moving tips you need to know before planning your move.

5 Must-Know Moving Tips for Louisville Home Sellers
No one wants more stress in their lives. So what are you going to do about it? First, change your mindset to take control of your moving day. Then follow these tips.
1. Make a Checklist
Start by making a checklist of everything that you need to pack. This can be done in many forms. You may want to organize your checklist in categories according to the rooms in the house, the types of items you need to pack, or by floor levels. Put the checklist somewhere handy where you can refer to it easily when something comes to mind that you neglected to add earlier to the list.
2. Keep Things Together
One of the most frustrating things is to move into a new house and find out that items were packed separately when they should have been packed together. If an electrical cord can unplug from a unit, for example, make sure that both parts are packed together. While this may seem obvious, it is very easy to overlook when the packing gets serious or more than one packer is working in the same area.
3. Get Packing Boxes Ahead of Time
Start getting your boxes ahead of time so that you know exactly what type of boxes you have and which ones you need. You don’t want to be stuck looking for boxes when the moving date is getting close. Other Louisville home sellers may be anxious to get rid of their boxes at a low price in classified ads on the Internet. Keep your eyes open for any of these ads and ask your friends and relatives to let you know of any people they know that have moved recently so that you can talk to them about boxes.
4. Organize a Packing Day
Here’s one of the best must-know moving tips. If you’re not hiring professional packers for the move you may want to get some friends and relatives together to help. Organize it ahead of time and give everyone a date. If you wait until the last minute you may not be able to schedule a date when everyone can participate. Buy pizza and drinks and make it a party!
5. Put Aside All the Delicate Items
Start storing away any delicate figurines or glassware you have before the official packing starts. This will help protect the items. Once the packing begins it is easy to accidentally break an item once the momentum of packing kicks in.
As a Louisville home seller, you need to make sure that the move follows an organized plan. When you leave moving until the last minute, that is when most problems develop. While many people dread the thought of packing and moving, in some cases it is simply due to lack of proper planning and organizing. Don’t let that be you, plan for a better move!