Investing in Real Estate

How to Buy a Rental Property: Everything You Need to Know

Real estate is a great investment vehicle to build wealth and attain ultimate financial freedom. And, one of the best ways to get started is by investing in vacation rental properties. But there are lots of moving parts. You need to educate yourself on how to buy a rental property.

Photo of a beautiful vacation rental home - How to Buy a Rental Property: Everything You Need to Know

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Kentucky Landlords’ Preventive Maintenance Each Year

A landlord needs to do more than approve leases and collect rent once per month. Landlords are responsible for maintaining the rented premises and ensuring a reasonable level of safety for renters and their visitors. But what does this entail? Read on to learn about Kentucky landlords’ preventive maintenance responsibilities.

Photo of homes in Louisville, Kentucky - Kentucky Landlords' Preventive Maintenance Each Year
Rental properties need preventative maintenance just like your own home.

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Tips to Start a Rental Property Business with Zero or No Money

How exactly do you start a rental property business? After all, they are one of the most profitable ventures for entrepreneurs. When you start a new business, you might need a lot of research and a team. What if, if you have an idea that you can become a millionaire by just investing your time and effort, you have to follow some tips that we are going to discuss here.

Photo of a house icon with a For Rent tag - Tips to Start a Rental Property Business with Zero or No Money

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Top 5 Basic Landlord Responsibilities to Ensure the Safety of the Tenants

Being a landlord doesn’t only end up in accepting tenants, receiving their payments, and imposing rules on the rental property. This duty also includes obligations you must ensure to keep your tenant safe while they stay at your property. Read on to learn about basic landlord responsibilities that are critical to a successful business.

Photo of a hand holding house keys in front of a door with a lock - Top 5 Basic Landlord Responsibilities to Ensure the Safety of the Tenants
Photo by Maria Ziegler

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Unique Investment Ideas to Lead You to Financial Independence

It’s no secret that investing is the best way to achieve financial independence. But many people don’t realize that there are many unique investment ideas. Each has its own set of risks and rewards. Read on if you’re looking for some great ideas to help you achieve your financial goals.

Photo of a man stacking coins - Unique Investment Ideas to Lead You to Financial Independence

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Alternative Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying a Home

There are a number of tried and true ways to get started in real estate. These are generally well-known and most often start with the purchase of a residential property. But what about alternative ways to invest in real estate, you know, the more unusual yet potentially lucrative?

Photo of a gorgeous vineyard - Alternative Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying a Home
Sometimes you need to think outside the box to beat your competitors. | Photo by David

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7 Rental Property Buying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

According to the National Association of Realtors, the average person moves 11.7 times in their lifetime. And, while many people dream of owning their own home, an estimated 36% of Americans will end up renting at some point. This means that there is a massive opportunity for rental property owners to make a profit. But first, make sure to avoid these rental property buying mistakes.

Rental graphic with money and a wood house icon - 7 Rental Property Buying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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4 Simple Ways to Get Started in Real Estate Investing  

Investing in real estate can be a rewarding experience when done correctly. It’s an effective way to earn extra income and diversify your investment portfolio. Unlike traditional investing, real estate allows investors to own properties by paying a percentage of the total cost first. Then completing the balance over time by paying interest.  Read on to learn how to get started in real estate investing.

Photo of someone completing a real estate contract - Get Started in Real Estate Investing

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How to Get Started with Real Estate Investing: A Beginner’s Guide

Real estate investing is the oldest and most popular form of investment in America. It’s a tried-and-true way to make money. However it can be challenging for someone who isn’t familiar with the market to get started. Here are ten tips to help you get started with real estate investing!

Photo of a small house in Lyndon Louisville Kentucky - How to Get Started with Real Estate Investing: A Beginner's Guide
The smaller the home the easier it is to purchase and lease out. | Credit: Tre Pryor

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5 Basic Ways of Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is one of the oldest forms of investment. And a lucrative one at that. The average annual return for real estate investments in 2019 was an impressive 10.6 percent. This is great because it’s higher than the average for all investments at 8.6 percent. But how does it work? Read on to learn the five main ways of real estate investing.

Photo of aerial view of houses - 5 Basic Ways of Real Estate Investing
Real estate has been an investment asset since the dawn of time.

If you’re interested in real estate investing and hope to get involved, you need to understand that there are different investment strategies and methods you can use. Let’s take a look.


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4 Reasons Why Real Estate Is Still a Good Investment

Purchasing real estate is one of the safest and most lucrative long-term investments you can make. Granted, it does come with its own set of caveats. For one thing, it lacks liquidity, meaning it is a long-term investment that cannot be readily converted into cash (unlike stocks). You also need to shoulder the costs necessary to maintain any kind of property. But in this piece, we will focus primarily on why real estate is still a good investment. 

#2 Most Expensive Louisville Homes in 2018 - 4 Reasons Why Real Estate Is Still a Good Investment

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Why Should You Invest in Property Management Software Today

Managing investment properties can be challenging. Especially if you have many things on your plate. Whether you’re dealing with vacancies, tenants who pay late, or legal compliance, many things can keep you busy at all times. These tasks can be overwhelming! This piece highlights the six ways that property management software can really help your business.

Graphic of man before a digital touchscreen with a property management icon - Why Should You Invest in Property Management Software Today

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Buying Criteria for Rental Property

Thinking of buying a rental property? Here is something to know: the eventual success of your investment is primarily determined by the steps you take before you buy the property. You can set up yourself for failure or success by how much due diligence you do before you pay for any property. Read on to learn the most important buying criteria for rental property investment.

Photo of a row of residential buildings downtown - Buying Criteria for Rental Property
Buying criteria for rental property will depend on your personal investing goals.

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What is a Good Return on Real Estate Investment?

As a real estate investor, how can you tell when a real estate investment is making enough profits to justify the money and effort put into it? After all, no one wants to make a mistake when large amounts of money are involved. This is an important question because while you may think of yourself as a businessperson, you may, in reality, be making money for the bank and the government instead of yourself.

Photo of a couple with hands holding keys - What is a Good Return on Real Estate Investment?

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Why You Need a Realtor When Buying a Rental Property

The vast majority of people will use a real estate agent when selling their homes. Most will also use an agent when buying a house, especially first-time homebuyers. It can be critically important to use a Realtor when building a house. But what about when buying a rental property?

Photo of a Realtor holding a house icon - Why You Need a Realtor When Buying a Rental Property

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