Note: This is the first of a 3-part series on real estate myths. There are many misconceptions when it comes to buying and selling Louisville real estate that I believe we can correct. If you have more specific questions, feel free to contact me.
Replacing the front door on a home is still considered the best home improvement to get a greater return than the investment.(more…)
Applying for your Louisville mortgage can be quick and easy. Preparing to apply by being smart with your credit cards, which affects your credit rating, really pays off! Obtaining a…
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Perception is reality”. Take the value of brands, for example. People’s perception of Tylenol as a safe, pain-reducing medicine prior to 1982 was sky-high. It was the world’s top seller, for crying out loud. Then reports surfaced that a woman died from cyanide poisoning from taking Tylenol.
Real estate, as a topic, is as broad as the Pacific Ocean. From home buyers to home sellers, builders to developers, appraisers to interior designers, real estate is truly multifaceted.
Photo of a contractor reviewing plans on a new construction home.(more…)
The Christmas Holiday is, after all, the season of giving. Jesus came to Earth to give Himself up for us. Can you ever have enough money? Don't be fooled. You'll…
Today is the first day of December. 2010 is almost complete. Thoughts naturally turn reflective. With all the talk of the recession and its apparent end, how did Louisville real estate in 2010 perform? How did it compare with previous years? More importantly, in any given market, which groups benefited from current market conditions and which lost out?
Is he looking back on 2010? Or looking ahead to see if Louisville real estate in 2011 will resemble a field of flowers?(more…)
Every industry has its share of insider knowledge, quirks, and idiosyncrasies. Louisville real estate is no different. As society grows ever more complex, expertise becomes more and more valuable. But what the heck are agency agreements?
Professional business people use contracts everyday so that all the parties involved know what to expect from each person involved. Real estate should be no different.(more…)
Have you heard the phrase, “time is of the essence”? Well, you might not think it’s a big deal, but it very much is when it comes to legal contracts. Let’s take a quick look.
Time Is of the Essence is a key legal term.
Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day Fritter and waste, the hours in an off-hand way -“Time” by Pink Floyd
I'm not sure that could make it any plainer than this: The Best Realtors Help People Some call it karma, others say the idea is related to the Golden Rule.…
When all the ancillary real estate Web sites started cropping up about five years ago I thought, “Great! These give consumers more information, which is always a good thing.”
Online formulas such as Zillow Zestimates are bad in determining a property’s true value.(more…)
Blogging may not ever go mainstream in real estate, and that’s a good thing for those who practice the art. In an industry where fast results are preferred and successful people usually have more client turnover, those who take time to document the market and offer their thoughts will likely always be in the minority and stand out as a result. Here’s a quick post designed for getting more from your real estate blog.
I’m constantly surprised by the number of clients I speak with who don’t fully understand how real estate agency works. So many people looking for a new home go straight to the listing agent to schedule a showing rather than find themselves a buyer’s agent. I’ll briefly tell you why this isn’t in your best interest.
Is this man your friendly Louisville Realtor?(more…)
I've been very clear that our current market isn't good for every person's situation. But for some people, it's absolutely a great time to be buying property. If you're a…
Now, for every Alexis McGee, there are two or three critics who think that we haven’t seen the bottom of this housing downtrend. Who is Alexis McGee you ask? She’s the president of who has access to a great deal of real estate data and she predicts a major rebound for housing in 2008.
One expert’s crystal ball says real estate in Louisville KY is going to take off in 2009.(more…)