If you are like my wife and I, you watch more than your share of HGTV. How cool would it be to be on one of their TV shows?

Well, now is your chance Louisville!
Louisville Homes Blog received an email from a Producer at Bang for Your Buck, a show that looks at three different remodels, comparing the homeowners’ choices and determining which renovation did the best job getting a big return on investment.
They are asking for renovated Master Bathrooms in Louisville. Here are the requirements:
All price points are desired and the deadline for interested homeowners is Monday, February 21, 2011, although we’d like to get the info ASAP! The work needs to have been completed within the past 3 years. Below is a list of items we’ll need to move forward in the application process:
– Before photos of the space (3-4 are ideal)
-After photos of the renovation
– A recent snapshot/photo of the homeowners (nothing fancy)
– A photo of the exterior of the house
– The approximate cost of the renovation
If your Master Bath remodel fits the bill, please contact me and I’ll put you in touch with the right people. Let’s do this Louisville!
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