How the Pandemic Started a Migration Trend

There are many new realities we face in the aftermath of the pandemic and the decisions made by our political leaders. An obvious one is that the pandemic started a migration trend. Americans are moving away from major metro areas and instead are moving to the suburbs or smaller cities.

Photo of a couple looking at a laptop while planning a move - How the Pandemic Started a Migration Trend

How the Pandemic Started a Migration Trend

This shift could have a number of impacts on cities as they grapple with the economic impacts of the pandemic. Common impacts include income loss, increased unemployment, and increased poverty. In addition, a pandemic can also lead to a decrease in the quality of life for citizens, as well as a decline in public health.

A pandemic can weaken a society’s ability to cope with and respond to other emergencies. However, as the country recovers from these, the migration trend seems to have continued. With this, here’s how the pandemic started a migration trend.

For Employment or Retirement Reasons

The pandemic has led to a lot of changes in people’s lives. One of the most notable changes has been the increase in people moving for employment or retirement. Many people are moving out of densely populated cities. This is because more people want to balance their work and life commitments. Or, they may be seeking a more retirement-friendly location.

Given these needs, many move from the cities to the suburbs or into more rural areas. The move allows them and their families to have a better quality of life because there is more space, cheaper living costs, and better air quality. These are common factors in people’s decisions to move.

Moreover, since employees can continue working from home, many have taken this chance to move to locations they have always dreamed of living in. A lot of people are looking for places with better weather. Or maybe to be closer to nature. Smaller towns offer a better sense of community and more social interactions.

Photo of a small mountain town which has realized an increase in population since the pandemic started a migration trend.

To Avoid COVID-19 and Have More Space

The pandemic has not only caused a migration trend in the US but similar patterns can be seen in other countries. In the Philippines, for example, hundreds of thousands of Filipinos have chosen to remain in their provinces rather than stay in cities during the lockdowns.

This is because many were concerned about the potential for contagion. Many believe it is safer and much more comfortable to stay close to home. Instead of staying home alone, which could lead to a greater sense of isolation and alienation, many opted to live in rural areas with a greater sense of community. Likewise, after the lockdowns and travel restrictions have been removed, many Filipinos opted to stay in their provinces for permanent residency.

Many moved into major provinces such as Pampanga, Laguna, and Cavite. These provinces offer not only a sense of safety but also community support systems that many city dwellers do not have access to. Among these, Pampanga is known as the “Culinary Capital of the Philippines.” So if you’re looking to enjoy some delicious food, this is definitely the place to be.

Moreover, many prefer rural life that offers fresh air, less noise pollution, more space, and access to nature, all from the comforts of your own home. This will help you and your family maintain your health as you avoid exposure to pollution. That’s why, if you’re considering moving to enjoy the countryside, you can also consider moving to rural areas. You can settle down and enjoy all that nature has to offer by finding homes for sale in Pampanga, Philippines where you can also find a supportive community. This will give you a more enjoyable experience and a sense of safety and security.

Home Upgrades

The pandemic has spurred many people to move. And we’re not done! Even today many are considering a move out of the city to buy a house in the suburbs. As people are looking for homes that fit their needs and preferences, safety and space is essential, especially for those who work from home and must spend more time indoors.

Many also look into home features such as air filtration and purification systems to avoid getting sick. This is important for those with underlying conditions that could worsen if they contract COVID. Meanwhile, environment-conscious homeowners often look for energy and water-saving home appliances and systems. This is because many are growing more conscious about their carbon footprint and want to do their part in saving the environment.

The pandemic has had a significant impact on the way people live their lives. It has caused many people to migrate to escape the virus or pursue better opportunities. By being aware of the trends, you can be better prepared for the future.

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.