Louisville Awarded Top 10 Affordable Places to Retire

I’m not sure why Money magazine is doing a story called 10 Affordable Places to Retire, but in any event, they picked Louisville as the 20th best! Palm Springs has the weather, Pinehurst the golf but Louisville is getting national attention for our wonderful parks. This piece highlights the Louisville Loop which we talked about back in the Spring of 2008 as being a great move by our city to set itself apart.

Photo of a Hiking Trail in Louisville
Hiking Trail in Louisville

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Buyers Beware: Can’t Miss Free Professional Advice

I’m constantly surprised by the number of clients I speak with who don’t fully understand how real estate agency works. So many people looking for a new home go straight to the listing agent to schedule a showing rather than find themselves a buyer’s agent. I’ll briefly tell you why this isn’t in your best interest.

Photo of hard working Realtor with a client
Is this man your friendly Louisville Realtor?

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