10 DIY Cheap and Easy Ways to Protect Your Home

A home is burglarized every 15 seconds. This information comes straight from the FBI. This results in thousands per hour and untold millions in stolen goods, not to mention the rise in insurance premiums. Don’t be part of the statistics by following these top ten DIY cheap and easy ways to protect your home.

Photo of two home security cams
Security cameras are now becoming less expensive and easier to set up.

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Louisville Housing Market Getting Mixed Signals

S&P and Case-Shiller Indexes since 2000
The Louisville housing market follows Atlanta more closely than the national averages so we didn’t see the marked highs or lows seen in the national index.

The WSJ published this piece today—Home Prices Rise, Yet Confidence Fades—which highlights just how tricky things are in the housing market today. As always, you want to look at home buyers and sellers separately.

For home sellers, the fourth straight month of home value increases is a breath of fresh air after all they’ve been through. Home values are still down from highs that occurred in 2005 and 2006 (depending on the market) but it’s most assuredly a step in the right direction. As prices continue to rise, expect to see more sellers list their homes, especially in the Spring.


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