Your bathroom can be an inspiring and calming place if it has the right décor. Most people think of vanities, amazing tile, or even towels when they consider the look of their bathroom. But there’s one item that often gets ignored. Plants can be great additions to the look and feel of your bathrooms. Here we present plants that thrive in your bathroom.
There are many variations of plants that flourish in a bathroom. The moisture created by hot showers can lead to an almost tropical environment. The indirect sunlight found in numerous bathrooms is more than enough for many flowers, ferns, and other types to get all they need.
Plants can do more than brighten your room. Many plant species help purify the air and even provide medicinal benefits. For example, aloe vera can take the place of certain items in your medicine cabinet because it can be used to treat minor cuts, burns, and scrapes. If you’re looking for an easy way to maximize your bathroom space, check out this infographic for plants that thrive in bathroom space spaces.

Graphic created by Modern Bathroom.