When you begin showing an interest in real estate and start talking to a few agents you are likely to start receiving mail, email and phone calls from agents working for your business. From open houses to new houses available in your area, each will try to provide something useful in the most attractive method possible.

Even if interest hasn’t been shown, you will receive some attention from agents from time to time. While you may not be interested in the properties that are brought to your attention, they could serve as excellent reference points for the properties that you are interested in.
Motives for Sending Mail
Here is why Louisville real estate agents send mail to you:
- To show you why they should be your real estate agent when you are ready to purchase or sell a property
- To spark interest in the home they are marketing
- To make you think about real estate in general and whether you are ready to sell or buy a home in Louisville
Real estate agents don’t send out pieces of mail as often these days, as it’s far more expensive than other communications. But if they have a particular property to promote, home sellers like to see that their agent is “working hard” on their behalf. The physical piece of mail makes a greater impact to them, even while home buyers are all Internet-focused.
Selling Your Louisville Property
A real estate agent may decide to send out a promo piece about your property to help sell it. This is a costly way of advertising, however, and is only used in certain circumstances, many times at the homeowner’s request. You can talk to your Louisville real estate agent and find out whether there is a plan to use a mailing for your home to help it sell.
Like old-school media such as newspapers, and magazines, these forms of real estate marketing aren’t nearly as effective since the advent of the Internet.
Getting the word out is the name of the game when it comes to Louisville real estate marketing. All of that “action” is taking place online these days. Mailing out a promotional piece may be something that used to work but today its value is certainly in question.