I’ve spent a good many posts ranting about things that bother me in my career as a Louisville Realtor. Blog ranting is a good way to blow off steam.
(Better that than actually telling someone they’re a bad person. Heh.)
Perhaps the best movie theme music of all time.
Today I thought I’d hit the topic from a new perspective… all of them.
The Good Louisville Real Estate
Louisville is a great city, whether the nation (or world) knows it or not. I’m proud to call this place my home.
By and large, the people here are generous, polite, and caring. The vast majority of Louisvillians are stand-up citizens.
I can’t imagine working this business is a city like New York or L.A. where selfish vanity is on parade. Argh!
Plus, this is a beautiful town! The parks are highly underrated and the Parklands of Floyds Fork are only going to enhance our lives.
Far more good than bad, but I started this theme so…
The Bad Louisville Real Estate
There are some very selfish people in every city. These people give little thought to taking what they want without giving back even a “thank you.”
It happens to me weekly. It’s part of the business. But that doesn’t make it OK.
As part of their job, Realtors do need to explain to people how the business works. Listings are fairly straightforward but working with buyers can be like trying to wrangle a school of jellyfish.
Using a Buyer’s Agency Agreement (BAA) solves the uncertainty problem but some people won’t sign one.
That leaves us it a bit of a war zone, where anything goes. With nothing to penalize the offender, it will keep happening. Sad but true.
My solution would be to have a new law that requires home buyers to sign with just one real estate agent. They can switch to a new agent if things don’t work out by a quick written form but are required to be aligned with an agent throughout the buying process.
That’s not burdensome and would create a more clear landscape for all parties. Am I missing anything here?
The Ugly Louisville Real Estate
This space is reserved for truly crazed individuals, either by the stress of events or personal health or mental problems.
There are some sick people in the world and, for the most part, they can buy and sell real estate too.
It’s people like this that I am glad that I’m not required to work with anyone. I can choose to say, “No thank you. Please find another agent. Good day.”
The hard part is identifying these people before you’re knee-deep in negotiations and the animal excrement is about to hit the fan.