Relocating to Hawaii

Are you relocating to Hawaii? You likely have a million thoughts going through your mind. What will this new city be like? Which are the best neighborhoods? How will I find the very best schools for my kids?

Let me help!

I provide a free service to help with your Hawaii relocation by connecting you with a great Realtor®. I've been building a network of high-quality professional across the country.

Just contact me with the name of the city in Hawaii that is your relocation destination and any preferences you have in a relocation specialist and I'll do my very best to help your move be smooth and worry-free.

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Hawaii Profile

Photo of Honolulu Hawaii.
Picturesque view of Honolulu from the mountainside.

Its capital, Honolulu, lies 2,397 mi (3,857 km) west of San Francisco. The state's major islands are, from west to east, Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii; there are 124 islets. The state's active volcanoes include Mauna Loa and Kilauea. The majority of the state's residents live on Oahu. The original Hawaiians were of Polynesian origin and came from the Marquesas Islands c. 300 ce. Capt. James Cook visited the islands in 1778 and called them the Sandwich Islands. At the beginning of the 19th century, Kamehameha I united the group under his rule. American whalers began to stop there; they were followed in 1820 by New England missionaries, and Western influences changed the islands. While Kamehameha III in 1851 placed Hawaii under U.S. protection, a coup fomented by U.S. sugar interests resulted in the monarchy's overthrow and the establishment of a Republic of Hawaii (1893). In 1898 the new republic and the U.S. agreed on annexation, and in 1900 Hawaii became a U.S. territory. The bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in 1941 led to U.S. involvement in World War II, and Hawaii became a major naval station. Hawaii became the 50th U.S. state on Aug. 21, 1959. Its largest industry is tourism. It is also a world astronomy centre, with telescopes atop Mauna Kea.

Hawaii Statistics

Population 1,440,196
Population Change -1.0%
Housing units 568,075
Median household income $88,005
Land area (miles) 6,422.48
Persons per square mile 226.6

Hawaii Points of Interest

There's more information than I could possibly list here but I want to provide links to further your investigation if you so choose. So, here's a link the Official State Home Page of Hawaii. The official tourism website of Hawaii is, as you'd expect, simply gorgeous.

Weather information is also available by cities. Just visit Hawaii Weather - Average Temperatures and Rainfall and then click on the name of the city you are interested in to find data for that specific city. And what state profile would be complete without a link to their Top Attractions and Oddities?

Hawaii Relocation Specialists

Contact me today and I can refer you to the best agent for your situation!

Hawaii Island

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Honolulu, HI Real Estate
The "Buck" Stops Here for all your Honolulu Real Estate Needs, David E. Buck (RA)
Hawaii Real Estate
Hawaii Realty, Hawaii Luxury Homes, Hawaii Luxury Real Estate, Kapolei Real Estate


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