Relocating to Nebraska

Are you relocating to Nebraska? You likely have a million thoughts going through your mind. What will this new city be like? Which are the best neighborhoods? How will I find the very best schools for my kids?

Let me help!

I provide a free service to help with your Nebraska relocation by connecting you with a great Realtor®. I've been building a network of high-quality professional across the country.

Just contact me with the name of the city in Nebraska that is your relocation destination and any preferences you have in a relocation specialist and I'll do my very best to help your move be smooth and worry-free.

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Nebraska Profile

Photo of Omaha Nebraska
Omaha Nebraska is a beautiful city in America's heartland.

Bordered by South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming, it covers 77,353 sq mi (200,343 sq km); its capital is Lincoln. The Missouri River is on its eastern boundary. The North Platte and South Platte rivers unite in southwest-central Nebraska to form the Platte River. Various prehistoric peoples inhabited the area as early as 8000 bce. Native American tribes living in the area include the Pawnee, Oto, and Omaha in the east and centre, as well as the Oglala, Sioux, Arapaho, and Comanche in the west. The U.S. bought the territory from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. In 1804 the Lewis and Clark Expedition visited the Nebraska side of the Missouri River. It became part of Nebraska Territory with the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. Nebraska was admitted to the Union as the 37th state in 1867. Soon after, the population increased, and as Indian resistance on the frontier was broken, settlement extended to Nebraska's panhandle. At the turn of the 20th century, it experienced a short but influential Populist movement. In 1937 it established a unicameral legislature, the only one in the country. Most of the state is agricultural; its industries include food processing and machinery. Petroleum is the principal mineral resource. In addition to Lincoln, Omaha is the state's other cultural and industrial centre.

Nebraska Statistics

Population 1,967,923
Population Change 0.3%
Housing units 863,913
Median household income $66,644
Land area (miles) 76,817.87
Persons per square mile 25.5

Nebraska Points of Interest

There's more information than I could possibly list here but I want to provide links to further your investigation if you so choose. So, here's a link the Official State Home Page of Nebraska. The official tourism website of Nebraska has a lot going for it!

Weather information is also available by cities. Just visit Nebraska Weather - Average Temperatures and Rainfall and then click on the name of the city you are interested in to find data for that specific city. And what state profile would be complete without a link to their Top Attractions and Oddities?

Nebraska Relocation Specialists

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