General Articles Relating to Real Estate

Louisville Cost of Living Compared to Rivals

By most accounts, the chief issue in our most recent elections was the economy, with unemployment as the lead contributing factor. As of September, Louisville, Kentucky has an unemployment rate of 9.8 percent which is slightly higher than the national average of 9.6 percent. Many are worried about where things are headed, as well they should be.

Downtown Louisville Kentucky
Learn how Louisville’s cost of living compares to rival cities in this handy post.

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Ft. Knox, Louisville Provide Ideal Real Estate Opportunities

Many cities with or near a military base should be proud to celebrate Veterans’ Day this year as their ties to military bases have allowed them to become some of the U.S.’s most affluent cities. High-tech centers, college towns, and industrial cities used to be some of the most affluent in the nation, however, out of the 20 fastest-growing metro areas today, based on per-capita income, 16 of them have a military base or have one close by providing an excellent opportunity for anyone in the real estate or mortgage industry.

Gate at Ft. Knox
What do Fort Knox and Louisville real estate have in common? The first helps the second. | Photo: DOD IMAGERY

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Real Estate Blogs Give Anonymous Posters a Playground

I read an interesting story on the WSJ today called, Housing Blogs Throw Stones. It seems that many are taking out their real estate frustrations by going online and blasting away at other people’s houses… verbally, of course.

Curbed PriceSpotter: Central Park Before-and-After
Curbed PriceSpotter: Central Park Before-and-After

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