How to Make the Perfect Guest Bathroom

‘Tis the season for guests to arrive and enjoy the festivities! While you may be quite over the idea of having friends and relatives staying by now, the idea of updating your guest bathroom has probably crept into your mind after all of those not-so-subtle digs from well-meaning relatives. In this piece, we’ll inspire you with the right path to a perfect guest bathroom.

Photo of an updated bathroom - How to Make the Perfect Guest Bathroom

How to Make the Perfect Guest Bathroom

Guest rooms tend to be moderately decorated. But since they often leave a major impression on any guests you have in your home. The guest bathroom might be your best chance to win them over. So by implementing a few simple tricks, you can make sure that they will be enjoying your guest room for years to come.

Here is how you can create the perfect guest bathroom.

1. Invest In Decent Plumbing

Treat your plumbing seriously by investing in a high-quality, easy-to-use toilet. Modern toilets are incredibly efficient at flushing large amounts of water and jets of water, which makes them perfect for guests.

If you have the space or budget to buy or make an additional toilet, opt for a bidet with an adjustable nozzle head, but search for professional plumbers in Thurrock, or your location, to get your bidet installed properly.

2. New Towels and Colorful Accessories

If you have a white-walled bathroom, you need to bring in some color. You can do this with artwork, open shelving with decor, or natural plants.

Photo of some new towels
Photo by Thomas Cotton

But even easier than that, is having new towels. They are inexpensive and your guests will truly appreciate them. Then maybe show them off with a color towel rack or ornamental hook.

If possible, the color of the guest towels should match the tone of your other accessories, such as bedding and rugs.

For an extra touch of personality, consider purchasing or making your own woven bathrobes or bath mats. Don’t forget a hamper that your guests that toss the used towels into. That way, they’ll feel like they are in a spa-like setting.

3. Offer Plastic-Free Guest Toiletries

Offering your guests toiletries gives things a hotel-like feel, but you can take it one step further by leaving mini versions of eco brands toiletries.

Plastic can be recycled, but with the amount of waste that humans produce, it’s far too little too late. By offering mini versions of popular eco brands, you’ll be showing how you’re trying to go greener and allow your guests to try things they may not have tried before.

4. Include a Nightlight

Here’s a tip you might not have guessed. It’s one of those things that so many homeowners forget! Nightlights are fantastic for any situation, and it’s especially useful in an unfamiliar bathroom. It may seem like a small detail, but thinking of your guests’ safety is an important touch to add to your guest room.

Using a power-saving LED nightlight is a fantastic way to reduce energy use, so whenever you need to add a light to your guest bathroom, choose one of these.

5. Ditch the Ugly or Dirty Floor Mats

If your bathroom has ugly floor maps or rugs, you really should replace them. It’s a simple fix and cost-effective way to improve the space.

Today, many options for new ones can really up the style factor of your guest bathroom. After a bit of browsing online, you’ll be sure to have a few great options all picked out.

The perfect guest bathroom is a blend of comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. It should be immaculately clean and well-stocked with essentials like fresh towels, toiletries, and a hairdryer.

Thoughtful touches such as a scented candle, potted plants, or a small artwork can enhance the ambiance. Good lighting, a well-placed mirror, and ample storage space contribute to its practicality. Lastly, ensuring a cozy atmosphere with soft, inviting textures makes guests feel truly welcome and at peace.

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.