Best Louisville Neighborhoods: Rock Springs

Rock Springs is a brand new RJ Thieneman neighborhood right off Highway 22 still inside Jefferson County. (It’s streets aren’t even mapped yet!) Homes start in the low $300s and feature styling not commonly found in traditionally minded Louisville. Rock Springs, near Prospect and Glen Oaks, is close to shopping in The Summit and expressways. There are currently a good number of available lots if you want to build the custom home of your dreams in this great location.

Homes for Sale in Rock Springs, Louisville Kentucky
This incredible home is located in Rock Springs, a neighborhood in Louisville, KY. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Best Louisville Neighborhoods: Locust Creek

Locust Creek is a newer neighborhood that boasts hosting Homearama in 2002, 2003, and 2004. The latest news is that it will once again host Homearama this year! For more information on Homearama 2008, please visit their site.

Home in Locust Creek
This executive home in Locust Creek Louisville KY is certainly beautiful! | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Best Louisville Neighborhoods: Lake Forest

Like Springhurst, Lake Forest is considered one of Louisville’s premier neighborhoods. The subdivision began in the early 1980s and hasn’t stopped growing, with new developments like Lake Forest Highlands and other sections adding on to the original neighborhood. It’s located off Shelbyville Road, just outside the Gene Snyder Freeway in Middletown, and with a new shopping center opening directly across the street, Lake Forest continues to impress.

Homes for Sale in Lake Forest Neighborhood in Louisville, Kentucky
The incredible home in Lake Forest is the kind of property you’ll likely find in this Best Louisville Neighborhood. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Housing Markets Perform By Region, Louisville Is In Good Shape

It’s funny to hear the members of the national press parrot one another for months on end. That is until a new topic is launched then everyone gets on that train. On point, do you think Louisville is in good shape?

Photo of a secure front door
Looking at these stats, Louisville is in good shape. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Selecting the Best AC and Heating Systems

Selecting which brand of comfort system is usually at the top of the list when people make this very important decision. Unfortunately, that is probably the least important part of the equation to ensure that your system will provide you and your family with years of trouble-free and efficient comfort. So how do you find the best AC and heating systems?

Photo of attic HVAC ducts

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Louisville: Should You Buy a New Home Now?

Here is the most popular question I receive these days. “Is now a good time to buy or not?”

That’s a great question! The answer? It depends. “Well, thanks a lot, that really clears things up for me.”

I know, I know, it can be confusing, but let me shed a little light on the topic with a few examples.


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2007 Home Improvement Values, Louisville KY vs. Nation

In one of our most popular posts of last year—Comparing Home Improvements in Louisville with the Nation—we looked at how home improvement project costs were recouped when it came time to sell your home. This is important information given that so many homeowners desire to include 100% of their home improvement dollars in their asking price when it comes time to sell, which isn’t realistic.


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Louisville Kitchen Remodels Are Hottest Update

Photo of Before and After: Louisville Kitchen Remodel
Before and After: Louisville Kitchen Remodel

If you are only allowed to update one room in your home, chances are the kitchen is your best bet. Buyers are especially demanding when it comes to the most used room in any house.

Looking at the photos of this kitchen remodel (above) I didn’t think the “Before” looked poor, in any respect. But “Wow!” would you look at the “After” photo? It’s certainly impressive. (Although, I do think those bar stools no longer fit the image of the room.)


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