Louisville: Should You Buy a New Home Now?

Here is the most popular question I receive these days. “Is now a good time to buy or not?”

That’s a great question! The answer? It depends. “Well, thanks a lot, that really clears things up for me.”

I know, I know, it can be confusing, but let me shed a little light on the topic with a few examples.


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2007 Home Improvement Values, Louisville KY vs. Nation

In one of our most popular posts of last year—Comparing Home Improvements in Louisville with the Nation—we looked at how home improvement project costs were recouped when it came time to sell your home. This is important information given that so many homeowners desire to include 100% of their home improvement dollars in their asking price when it comes time to sell, which isn’t realistic.


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Louisville Kitchen Remodels Are Hottest Update

Photo of Before and After: Louisville Kitchen Remodel
Before and After: Louisville Kitchen Remodel

If you are only allowed to update one room in your home, chances are the kitchen is your best bet. Buyers are especially demanding when it comes to the most used room in any house.

Looking at the photos of this kitchen remodel (above) I didn’t think the “Before” looked poor, in any respect. But “Wow!” would you look at the “After” photo? It’s certainly impressive. (Although, I do think those bar stools no longer fit the image of the room.)


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