The Basic Security Checklist Every Home Needs

Investment in property is one of the safest but least liquid, investments you can make. Accordingly, it can also be one of the worst investments, if you go about it the wrong way. You’ve got to choose carefully—part of your home security will involve not just safety from threats like burglaries, but resistance against other market impacters like an economic implosion, or the housing bubble that collapsed in 2008. Consider this basic security checklist to get you off on the right foot.

Photo of a metal house lockbox
Protecting your investment is important. Get started with this basic security checklist.

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How to Find the Ideal Home for Your Family

So you’ve shopped around for the perfect family home, and you just might have hit the jackpot! You could be looking to rent and this apartment seems perfect for your small, growing, or large family. Or, maybe you’re looking to buy a starter home and you’re hoping the one you’re looking at online could be it. How can you tell? What is the best way to find the ideal home?

Check out this perfect living room!

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Top 10 Upscale Neighborhoods in Louisville Kentucky

Welcome! You’ve found the authority on what’s hot in Louisville real estate. This article isn’t covering the Best Louisville Neighborhoods necessarily, which means different things to different people. Here we’re looking at the most upscale neighborhoods in the city of Louisville, Kentucky. I’ve been writing these for years. Here’s the one from 2013. Each calendar year I analyze the latest data and create this piece just for you. So, dive right in! Enjoy your time and if you have any questions, please let me know.

Here are the Top 10 Upscale Neighborhoods in Louisville, Kentucky for the previous year.

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Las Vegas Electrician Talks About Electric Generators – Penny Wise or Dollar Foolish?

Despite rapidly advancing technologies, it’s impossible to predict every potential catastrophe. From downed power lines to rogue snow storms – there’s no telling what will rob you of electricity. According to Las Vegas Electrician Brandon McCoy from Callidus Electric, “Having an emergency electric generator is a huge advantage for every homeowner, but for some, it’s a necessity.”

Photo of a house in winter

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Landscaping Trends You Need to Know About

If the New Year has made you look around your home and evaluate what needs to be done… you’re not alone. You want your space to be welcoming for you and your family (or even renters) to live in. Or, maybe you are getting ready for a sale. In this piece, we’re going to cover the most important landscaping trends to get you started. Ready? Let’s go!

Photo of a an outdoor water feature

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Why to Investment in Luxury London Real Estate in 2019

We have seen in the last few years, the UK market got a great hit regarding real estate. Today we can see that it’s ideal to invest in luxury London real estate. We have briefed you about the guide that why you should invest and what are the significant 5 reasons to invest in London property in 2018.

Photo of London England
Luxury London real estate has seen its value rise dramatically in recent years.

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Best Places to Invest in Real Estate: An Analysis of 5 US Cities

Real estate investments have always been a big deal. Every year, there are more opportunities to invest and make some big cash. This field comes with the understanding that things may go wrong. For every person where things went well, there is double the number of those that flopped. Everything is dependent on where you invest. With that in mind, here are sharing five of the best places to invest in real estate in the U.S.

Photo of some homes in Atlanta Georgia

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Repairs That You Need to Keep Your House Up-To-Date

In order to keep your house up-to-date, there are many things to keep your eyes on. After all, your house is the most precious and dear thing for you. It is always essential for you whether you are the owner of the house or the tenant.

Photo of plumbers at work
Home owners should work to keep a great group of quality contractors in the event of an emergency repair.

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Why Home Decor Plays an Important Role When Selling a Home

While you shouldn’t forget your home’s yard, the decor inside will play a big part when selling a home. This is because the decor is something that people see visually even though they won’t get the furnishings upon sale.  They do not want to spend time trying to figure out what they can do with the house compared with what you have done. You need to try and decorate the home in a way that house hunters will find it welcoming and not question it.

Photo of a home with great decor for selling

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Overview of Waste Disposal in Louisville

Each day, you generate a variety of different types of waste. During the course of any given year, you may end up not only disposing of what fairly can be called everyday garbage and recyclables but also a hazardous waste of different types. Maybe you’re thinking about selling your home this winter and need to get rid of some “junk.” A basic understanding of the different ways in which various types of waste items are disposed of in the city. When it comes to waste disposal in Louisville here are the 8 categories of which waste is disposed of.

  1. Regular garbage or trash
  2. Hazardous waste
  3. Recyclable items
  4. Mattresses, Furniture, and Appliances
  5. Construction waste
  6. Sharps
  7. Biohazardous waste
  8. Medications
Photo of an abandoned building
We would hope your home doesn’t look like this! The owners of this building definitely need some waste disposal help.

1. Regular Garbage or Trash

Garbage removal is the most common waste disposal in Louisville, Kentucky. As it probably is for most cities. Regular garbage or trash is disposed of through the City of Louisville Solid Waste Management Services Division. The agency collects garbage on a weekly basis from residential units with eight units or fewer. Large residential buildings have to engage a private service to collect regular garbage items.


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Real Estate Rentals: What To Consider Before Signing An Apartment Lease

Did you know that the expansion of the renter population has outgrown that of homeowners in several big cities? However, although renting can be exciting for tenants, it could also leave them with issues if they don’t conduct a thorough walk-through before signing a new lease. Even worse, tenants may fall victim to a rental scam. If you’re interested in real estate rentals and would like a foolproof head start in finding online apartment listings, you definitely need to consider adding the following to your walk-through checklist.

Photo of a couple moving into their new home

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Landlord Strategies When a Tenant Commits Suicide or an Unattended Death

Managing rental properties can be difficult at times. Landlords regularly face challenges like unexpected maintenance issues and tenants who fail to pay their rent. While these are unfortunate circumstances, little else is more difficult for a landlord to address than a tenant who commits suicide or there’s an unattended death in their rental property. A landlord must be versed about what strategies to employ when a tenant commits suicide or with an unattended death is discovered.

Photo of three people having a difficult discussion.
Would you know what to do if a tenant committed suicide in one of your rental properties?

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Ways to Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Property

Whether you’re keen to sell your own personal home soon or want to move an investment property in the New Year, it’s important to do everything you can to get your house looking its best. Of course, cleaning up and styling the inside of a property is always necessary. Don’t neglect the outside areas, either. After all, the first thing potential buyers see when they come to inspect your home is how it looks from the street. Read on for some ways you can improve the curb appeal of your home today.

Clearly, this home has amazing curb appeal.

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What You Need To Think About When Selecting a Rental Management Company for Homes in Louisville

Anyone who invests a great deal in residential homes will probably consider hiring a rental management company at some point. Working with well-respected property managers can relieve you of many headaches, especially if you live far away from your properties. On the flipside, working with a disreputable company can only create more headaches than you bargained for. In this article, we’ll go over a few of the things you need to take into consideration when selecting which rental management company.

Do your homework before selecting a rental management team to help with your investment properties. This time and effort will be well worth it to you in the long run.

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10 Shower Tile Ideas That Will Completely Transform Your Bathroom

Changing your shower tiles can completely change the look of your existing bathroom if one is the right way. If you are looking for shower tile ideas for your new bathroom or to renovate your existing bathroom, here are ten shower tile ideas that will completely transform your bathroom instantly.

10. Extruded Brick Design

Photo of bathroom with extruded brick tile - Shower Tile Ideas
Photo: Nerangtiles

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