How to Prolong the Life of Your Furniture

A home’s furnishings say a lot about the home’s owners. From antiques to traditional and modern furniture, they play a very important role in your home’s interior design. Not only are they a useful necessity, but they also have the potential to beautify each living space. In order to prolong the life of your furniture, you must care for it regularly. When you carry out these activities, the wood portions of your furniture will look great and last longer.

Photo of a beautiful wood dining room table set

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Bring Modern into Your Home with a Hint of the Past

Living in current times always calls for a little creativity and adventure. To stand out, you must be willing to try out new things and most importantly those that are exciting. Even with your home, a change once in a while can make you feel re-energized and pumped about getting home. Bring modern into your home with mid-century furniture. Learn more!

Photo of a family room with mid-century modern furniture - Bring Modern into Your Home with a Hint of the Past
Mid-century modern furniture is largely timeless.

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Almost 30% Gains in Louisville Home Values in Past Decade

A friend of mine shared this story about how California home prices are hitting their highest point recently. As I was reading, I thought, “Yeah, so have we here in Louisville.” Immediately, my next thought was, “I wonder how Louisville Home Values match up?”

Photo of homes in Indian Springs, Louisville Home Values
Louisville home values have changed a great deal in the past decade but maybe not the way you might have imagined. | Photo: Tre Pryor

Well… that’s the easy part.

First, I grabbed the chart from the California story.

California home prices chart
As you can see, this chart goes back to 2007, a few years before the housing crisis.

Louisville Home Values: 2007-2017

Then, I went to collect all the same data for Louisville, Kentucky. Going a step further, I wanted to see both Average Home Sale Prices, as well as, Median Home Prices. Why not, right?


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How to Turn Your Dream Home Into a Reality

Buying a property in Louisville is one of the most exciting investments you will ever make. Still, it is not without risk. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue your dream home. In this piece, I’m going to outline the steps you need to take in order to turn your dream home into a reality.

Photo of a Louisville dream home
Could a house like this be your Louisville dream home? | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Why You Need Home Security System Instead of Security Guard

Going away from home is not always a good feeling. If you are going away for a longer period leaving your home all alone, it will keep you constantly worried about the security of your home. By now, I’m sure you’ve considered a home security system. Read on to learn more!

Photo of a security guard.
There are many that can afford to hire their own security guard simply for their home.

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Optimizing Commercial Real Estate Customer Relationships

Selling commercial real estate is nothing like selling a residential property. As a commercial real estate broker, you operate in a market with relatively low turnover, more substantial investments, and a particular focus on revenue and data. Commercial sales don’t involve as much emotion as a residential real estate deal but commercial real estate customer relationships are far more important.

Photo of downtown - Optimizing Commercial Real Estate Customer Relationships

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Top 6 Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling

Can we get real for a moment? We can? Good, I thought you might say that. Especially since you just clicked on the link that brought you here. You’re here to find out why your home isn’t selling.

Photo of a home with a more unique style
Sometimes the style of a home isn’t what today’s home buyers are looking for. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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9 First-Time Homebuyer Expenses You Should Know

When people decide to buy a home they might assume that the only expenses they’ll need to make after moving in are the monthly mortgage payment and upgrading the home so it feels like theirs. Prospective homeowners are always shocked when they realize the real cost of owning a home. Understanding all the first-time homebuyer expenses is key to a positive experience!

Photo of a couple moving into their new home
Understanding all the expenses involved with buying your first place will make your experience far less stressful.

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Tre Pryor’s Louisville Real Estate 2017 Year in Review

It’s been another outstanding year for home sales in our city. Prices are moving higher as well! Therefore, it must be time for my Louisville real estate 2017 year in review!

Photo of a home in Little Spring Farm for the Louisville KY Housing Reports page
Homes all over the price spectrum sold well in 2017. | Photo by Tre Pryor

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5 Steps to Help You Sell Your Home Fast

It’s time to sell and you want to sell your home fast, right? After the costs of moving into a new place, the budget for selling the old home might not be as much as you’d initially planned.  Not to worry.  Here are five easy tips to help make your home more attractive to buyers.  And they won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Photo of a home with neutral colors
Neutral paint colors will make your home more attractive to potential home buyers.

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4 Keys That Say When a House Should Be Your Home

If you’re looking for a new place to live, you already know the pressure that can come with it. Not exactly “exterior pressure” but instead it comes from within—you want the best house for yourself. So how do you know when a house should be your home? Most houses won’t make a great home for you, so what do you do? This article will focus on the big 4 keys, that if checked, will tell you “Hey! I would make a great home for you!”

Homes for Sale in Owl Creek, Louisville Kentucky

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Pro Strats for Selling Your Home in Winter

Almost everyone knows that more home buyers are out during the Summer. It’s the peak season! The weather is warm. Kids are out of school for a couple of months so it makes sense to make a move during this time. But what about selling your home in Winter? If it’s necessary, what’s the best way to handle it?

Photo of a Louisville home in Winter
Selling Your Home in Winter can be a challenge. But these professional strategies are your best bet for selling.| Photo: Tre Pryor

This article gives you the top six strategies to sell your home this Winter. Take it from Louisville’s real estate expert, These are the big ones.

Let’s dig right in!


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3 Tips When Adding a Fish Tank to Your Interior Design

A fish tank is a lovely element you can add to your home decor as it literally brings life to your space. Incorporating it into your home is fun and easy. You’ll definitely enjoy setting it up, from choosing the fish to picking the right tank ornament. There are so many ingenious ways to place it in your house, and if you’re lost, here are three helpful tips for including a fish tank in your interior design.

Photo of
Beautiful fish in a fish tank add life to any space.

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