Top 10 Wealthiest Zip Codes in Louisville – #7 Simpsonville, KY 40067

Each Friday we’ll be counting down the wealthiest ZIP codes in Louisville, Kentucky. Our #7 wealthiest ZIP in Louisville today is 40067, located on the Eastern edge of Louisville. Almost 45 square miles, homes in this area generally have very large lots and a healthy dose of privacy.

Photo of a home in Simpsonville, KY
Wide open spaces mark this ZIP code, very rural living. Simpsonville is part of it but not nearly all.

Average Household Income: $100,027
Average/Median Home Value: $364,949/$228,947
Number of Homes over $1M: 102

Other than the Cardinal Club and a few smaller developments, there aren’t many recognizable neighborhood names in this ZIP. Feel free to browse these homes for sale in 40067 on

Getting closer to the #1 wealthiest ZIP code in Louisville. Here’s a hint for #6: I live here!