5 Key Benefits of Real Estate Videos

With the advent of several social media platforms and video streaming websites online, many home buyers and real estate investors have started looking for properties on the internet. They use videos and other forms of content to get the information they need and make a sound buying decision. Are you an agent thinking about including real estate videos for your listings?

Photo of a woman recording her home with a tablet computer - Benefits of Real Estate Videos
Real estate videos have never been easier to create and share.

5 Key Benefits of Real Estate Videos

If you’re running a real estate business, this may be the best time to incorporate videography into your marketing efforts. Compared to pages of text, videos are more appealing and realistic. They also have the ability to evoke emotion—something texts and photos can’t do in the field of marketing. That being said, they have become an essential tool for growing a real estate business.

Read on to learn the five benefits of incorporating real estate videos in your marketing efforts.  

1. Provide More Information about Your Properties  

Videos can offer more valuable information about your real estate business and brand. For example, if you have property listings in the market, you can use real estate videos to portray all the features of the property without visiting the site. With this, your clients can quickly see the floor plan, room size, location, and other related features. The videos themselves can give the information your clients need before making a buying decision.  

Aside from ready-made properties, videos can also provide a lot of information about those still in the construction phase. Suppose you’re in the business of constructing and selling real estate properties. In that case, you can use the videos captured by your construction site solar camera to provide them with information and a view of the construction processes.  

Since these cameras use solar energy to operate, you can keep your clients updated about the progress of your real estate project by sending them real-time videos any time of the day. The better you educate them about your properties, the more you get a desirable result for your real estate business. 

2. Increase Online Visibility  

If you’re selling various types of real estate properties, videos can be an excellent way of maximizing your online visibility in a highly competitive marketplace. With more competitors in the market, you can take advantage of videos to attract the attention of your prospective clients.  

You can use the videos to show your property listings in a very appealing and realistic manner. Unlike pictures and texts, real estate videos can make your business more visible to many audiences. Since they can be added easily to your websites and social media platforms, your real estate company can reach every possible client as fast as you can with convenience.  

3. Allow Your Business To Sell For A Higher Price 

Using real estate videos can put your business in a better marketing position. Aside from increased visibility, it can help you market your property listings more persuasively. For example, you can utilize videos to highlight the distinguishing features of your properties or those things that can make them stand out from your competitors. Compared to using photos and texts, you can present the components better.  With this, you can price your real properties for more. Consequently, you can generate more profit for your real estate business in the long run.

4. Boost Business Development Efforts  

Real estate videos aren’t only helpful in attracting clients. They can also be fundamental to your business development efforts. Typically, running a real estate company is never easy. The competition is tough, and you need every strategy to obtain leverage over your competitors.  

By using videos for your real estate business, you can show your partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders the work you’ve accomplished. These can include transformation during and after your real estate projects and other similar activities. In doing so, you can build trust and confidence with the key players of your business, which is essential in winning major contracts and investments and exploring more expansion opportunities.  

5. Improve Community Engagement  

Dealing with construction projects as part of your real estate business can be challenging. There are many things to consider, including the community. In some cases, these real estate-related projects can be disruptive to communities nearby due to the noise, inconvenience, and traffic caused by the work. However, with the help of real estate videos that portray how you regenerate the area with your newly built properties, you can improve community engagement in the long run. The more you show videos about the transformation you’ve made, the communities around your real estate sites will feel they’re part of your progress.  

Bottom Line  

Videography plays an integral role in running a real estate business. With videos getting more essential, it’s time to get the most out of their benefits for your company. By keeping the information mentioned above in mind, you’ll know how important it is to incorporate real estate videos into your business processes and marketing efforts.

Tre Pryor, Realtor

Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in the city of Louisville. He is a multi-million dollar producer and consistently ranks in the top 1% of Louisville Realtors for homes sold. Tre Pryor has the highest possible rating—5.0 stars on Google—by his clients and is routinely interviewed by the local NBC news. Tre Pryor is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.