Investing in Real Estate

Rental Property Management Tips For Homeowner Passive Income

Setting up your home as a rental property can certainly generate decent monthly passive income. That is if you do rental property management right. Read on to learn some important rental property management tips.

Photo of a many drilling - Rental Property Management Tips For Homeowner Passive Income
Photo by Bidvine

Contracts, late fees, maintenance and repairs, and more play a role in your profits. But don’t let this scare you away from becoming a rental property management superstar. Doing it yourself can definitely be rewarding. And the profit margins on your rental property will be larger.


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3 Big Ways to Make Money in Real Estate

Purchasing real estate is one of the oldest and strongest forms of investment. The risks involved are much less than the volatile instruments like stocks and bonds. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy to make money in real estate.

Photo of a Louisville home
There are several ways to make money in real estate but finding the best properties is important.

It takes time and effort for an investor to create smart real estate investing strategies that can convert a vacant house into a cost-returning instrument. A new investor should enter the market only after making an investment strategy based on genuine market research. 


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4 Factors that Damage the Online Reputation of a Rental Property

Photo of a woman moving boxes
Photo by Liza Summer

Nowadays, every business needs their business online. It’s imperative! Recent studies show that the majority of renters sift through online reviews before booking a visit. For this reason, property owners and managers can’t ignore the online reputation of a rental property. 

On the flip side, by establishing a good online reputation, landlords can attract the most desirable tenants. This is why residents and potential renters who post their grievances on the internet can quickly affect a rental unit’s rate of occupancy. 


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Top Strategies for Investing in Real Estate

Investing in real estate is one of the safest and most expensive investments you’re likely to make in your lifetime. Even if you have an extensive real estate portfolio, it’s foolish to take real estate investment lightly. Doing so can spell out financial disaster. Overpaying, missed flaws, and acts of god can all risk your investments. 

Photo of a key in a home's front door
Photo by PhotoMIX Company

Many of these things can’t be controlled fully by the owner, these risks can only be mitigated. However, it’s always your choice as to whether you invest or not. The price you decide to pay is fully under your control. 

If you get a cheaper purchase price, minor setbacks won’t risk your financial portfolio. Not to mention, profits will be much higher regardless of what you decide to do with the property later on. Better prices also equal more investment capital on hand and allow you to seize more opportunities than if you overpaid. 


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Should You Buy a House If You Don’t Intend to Live in It?

Not everyone who decides to buy a new house intends to live in the property. There are other reasons to invest in it. If you’re looking at properties available like those at Beresfords, you can stay and live there or pursue other plans. In this piece we’ll answer the question, “Should you buy a house for reasons other than personal use?” 

Photo of a modern living space

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Tax Advantages of Using a Property Management Company

Owning a property that generates a steady income is an exciting idea until you run it by yourself. Every property owner who has tried to manage the properties while juggling another occupation knows how difficult it is. You need to consider plenty of things, such as rent payments, routine inspections, and general administrative work. This piece will highlight one of the less understood benefits of using a property management company—paying fewer taxes.

Taxes graphic
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

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Investing in Land: What are its Risks and Benefits?

You can find a lot of ways to generate money by investing in land. Despite the erroneous assumption when it comes to putting your money on a piece of a vacant lot (that it’s a weak investment and such), the benefits that you can get from this type of real estate investment are substantial. 

Photo of land in Kentucky

However, an investor like you must know how to do your land investing right, especially if you don’t have enough experience. Aside from the advantages, you should also be aware of the risks associated with investing in vacant land. Read this blog post to learn more. 


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Tips to Buy Your Very First Rental Property in Louisville

Are you thinking about buying your first rental property? Maybe you want to invest, and you have come to the conclusion that real estate is the best option. Either way, there are a few things that you can do to make sure your investment is a profitable one.

Photo of three people having a difficult discussion.
There are many factors that go into buying an investment property that is very different than buying a home for your family.

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Reasons Why Now Is a Great Time to Invest in Real Estate

The year 2020 has been a roller coaster ride for the entire world. That’s putting it mildly. With the pandemic fears and harsh restrictions crippling the ordinary course of life, people are confused and baffled regarding how to go about things. With that in mind, what would you say if I told you, “Now is a great time to invest in real estate”?

Photo of an overhead view of a neighborhood of homes
Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery

Think about it, business is down. Profits are lower across most markets. This has resulted in an increased number of people getting laid off. For example, as a result of the ban on air travel during the pandemic, numerous workers were sacked by various commercial airlines. These are times when economic activity is at a dangerous low, generating severe consequences for the public at large.


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Invest in the Best: Things to Know for Successful Real Estate Investment

So, you are planning to invest in a real estate property. Great! But let’s be clear from the start, you want this to be a successful real estate investment endeavor, correct? It is always good to make yourself financially secure because you never know when things get wrong on the economic front. You can end up losing a job, or your business can take a dip. In this situation, having a backup investment plan can save you from hitting rock bottom.

Photo of a home in Clifton Louisville Kentucky by Tre Pryor
When you buy investment properties, you are looking at complete things than when you are buying your own home. | Photo by Tre Pryor

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Landlord Strategies When a Tenant Commits Suicide or an Unattended Death

Managing rental properties can be difficult at times. Landlords regularly face challenges like unexpected maintenance issues and tenants who fail to pay their rent. While these are unfortunate circumstances, little else is more difficult for a landlord to address than a tenant who commits suicide or there’s an unattended death in their rental property. A landlord must be versed about what strategies to employ when a tenant commits suicide or with an unattended death is discovered.

Photo of three people having a difficult discussion.
Would you know what to do if a tenant committed suicide in one of your rental properties?

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