You are about to purchase your dream house. You have worked hard to save up the money to make it happen! This often requires a great deal of sacrifice. Before first-time homebuyers sign on the dotted line, you should read this article to know about the five biggest dangers that exist for all homeowners. Be informed!

Keep Away from Fire
Sometimes the biggest problems haven’t happened yet! Understanding the most common potential problems can save you from an unexpected tragedy. It may seem obvious, but you should always watch your pots when they are on the stove. That goes for cooking something in the oven as well!
Don’t leave a house with candles burning or with a fire in your fireplace. A lesser-known danger is a fire starting in the dryer’s vent due to a lack of routine cleaning.
Before buying a home, make sure your home inspector reviews all the electrical components of the home. First-time homebuyers might not know what to look for but home inspectors certainly do!
Water Damages
The next thing on our list is water damage. Weather-related events, such as storms, hurricanes, or tornadoes can’t be predicted. That’s not what we’re referring to here.
What you need to consider are the current conditions of the home’s plumbing. Perform a proper plumbing inspection of each system in the house. Search for possible leaks or places where the flow of water is less than what it should be. Also, look to see if there is proper insulation around any pipe that lives on an exterior wall. First-time homebuyers should definitely take note, then you’re one step ahead of the game.
Foundation Problems
Another potential problem that homeowners should be aware of is the foundation of the house. Foundation repairs can run into the tens of thousands! Sometimes, the foundation is in such bad shape it simply can’t be repaired.
Always make sure to have a thorough inspection before buying any house. If you’ve already bought it, it is still worth your time to try and get your homeowner’s insurance to pay for the repairs. It might be a long battle, but it’ll be worth it in the end to have a home with a safe, strong foundation.
Lookout for Mold
Certain types of mold are major health concerns. Although the job of removing dangerous mold needs to be done by professionals, it isn’t always expensive. But it can signalize other, less visible problems that can be harmful in the future.
Check the bathroom or the kitchen for signs of mold. Beware of the smell. This is another indication that there is mold growing inside the house. The better the ventilation system of the house, the less likely to grow mold or other allergens.
Roof Overhead
You should definitely be aware of your home’s roof. It’s one of the most important parts of your house! Your roof should last between 15 to 20 years, with some exceptions. If the roof isn’t new, you will likely have to deal with it at some point. So make sure to inspect it thoroughly to prevent any unwanted surprises.
First-time Homebuyers
These are the main risks that first-time homebuyers should evaluate. Making sure that your home is free of these dangers will help you to never have to deal with the insurance company or accident injury lawyers.