Well that doesn’t happen very often. For the month of August 2014, there were 1,047 properties sold. Fast forward one year and 1,047 were sold in August again. Can you say deja vu?

Check out all the data going back to 2005.
Jefferson County Homes Sold during August
2005 1,170 2006 1,153 2007 1,060 2008 787 2009 803 2010 617 2011 766 2012 1,029 2013 1,128 2014 1,047 2015 1,047
Comparing Jefferson County homes sold from January through August, we see that 2015 is 13.4% ahead of where we were last year. Thus far, 7,666 houses have exchanged hands. This compared to 6,760 for 2014.
It’ll be interesting to see how September turns out given that August was the first month this year where we didn’t surpass the total properties sold for the previous year.
Perhaps the heat during August was a factor in keeping home buyers indoors. More likely is the fact that active listings are still far below a balanced market.
Buyers are out search but there aren’t enough properties available for them to choose from. This isn’t likely to change soon.