What It’s Really Like Living Through a Fixer-Upper

Nowadays, many people decide to buy a fixer-upper home instead of an already fixed one. There are three big reasons. First, they are less expensive. Second, you’ll have less competition in buying one. And last, they provide you with the freedom to renovate that home so that it suits all your needs and preferences. But what about living through a fixer-upper?

Photo of a room that's part of a home renovation - What It’s Really Like Living Through a Fixer-upper
Photo by Laurie Shaw

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How to Find the Best House for My Relocation

If you’ve ever pondered changing careers and relocating to a new city or state, you’ve almost certainly evaluated various criteria to find the most excellent fit. A variety of geographical circumstances might influence your happiness and quality of life. As a result, migration is a difficult decision. So you might be asking, “How can I find the best house for my relocation?”

Photo of a family walking into their new home - How to Find the Best House for My Relocation

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Moving Without a Job? Here’s What You Can Do

Many times a move is predicated by a relocation for work. But what if you purchased a new home in a different area and are moving without a job lined up? This is a realistic situation when your spouse is moving for their career, yet it leaves you out of work. 

Photo of a couple moving into a new home with floorplan - Moving Without a Job? Here’s What You Can Do
Whether you’re building your dream home or buying an existing one, moving without a job in place can be a challenging time. | Photo credit: yanalya

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Home Improvement This Winter: A Short Guide

Winter has arrived; with the cold comes the dark and the damp. For those who own a home, this means issues with the interior and exterior that it might be best to approach head-on, making home improvements to keep your property safe, secure, and comfortable. As such, this guide is about home improvement this winter that matters most for your property. Read on to learn how you can best approach home issues and make fixes and repairs to protect the security of your home. 

Photo of a home in winter - Home Improvement This Winter: A Short Guide

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Why Should You Invest in Property Management Software Today

Managing investment properties can be challenging. Especially if you have many things on your plate. Whether you’re dealing with vacancies, tenants who pay late, or legal compliance, many things can keep you busy at all times. These tasks can be overwhelming! This piece highlights the six ways that property management software can really help your business.

Graphic of man before a digital touchscreen with a property management icon - Why Should You Invest in Property Management Software Today

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5 Things to Consider for First-Time Home Buyers

If you’re thinking of purchasing a house, you’re among the millions of people out there who hope to one day have a place to call their own. After all, homeownership has long been part of the American Dream. However, buying a home is a long-term commitment that’s as daunting as it is a significant investment. Because of this, it’s best to familiarize yourself with several essential factors beforehand, especially if you’re one of today’s first-time home buyers.

Photo of a couple buying a new home - 5 Things to Consider for First-Time Home Buyers
Being a first-time homebuyer can be very stressful. Learning what to expect is crucial.

With that said, here are some of the crucial things you should consider to help you during the decision-making process.


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Types of Window Shades: Pros and Cons

Worried about extreme high temperatures during the summer? Curtains have been around for ages. Then came window shades of another kind. Window shades, or window blinds, do a better job of keeping heat from entering a room—which prices from cheap to expensive. In this article, we will discuss the different types of window shades, and their pros and cons. 

Photo of a room with a window and blinds - Types of Window Shades: Pros and Cons

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Today’s Top 5 Best Kitchen Flooring Options

If you are considering a remodel of your kitchen you have a lot to think about. You’ll need to choose the new design of your kitchen, storage solutions, a fresh color scheme, and perhaps even replace old appliances with more efficient modern ones. Yes, there are many choices when doing a kitchen remodel, but evaluating the best kitchen flooring options may be the most important decision of them all.

Photo of a kitchen with incredible hardwood floors - Top 5 Best Kitchen Flooring Options

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10 Ways to Prepare for Children after Military Service

Leaving the military can be the ideal time to start a family. If you and your partner are ready for the responsibility of a child, we’ve put together this list of ten ways to prepare for children after military service. Let’s jump right in!

Photo of a happy couple with a real estate agent - 10 Ways to Prepare for Children after Military Service
Photo credit: yanalya

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Common Things to Look Out for Before Buying Your Dream Home

Buying a house is a big decision. If that house is your first home, it is a monumental step. In all likelihood, you have been planning, saving, and looking forward to the purchase for a very long time. Now you are finally ready! But there are some things you need to know before buying your dream home, otherwise you might be facing a nightmare. 

Photo of a newly built home - Common Things to Look Out for Before Buying Your Dream Home

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A Kitchen Makeover for the Holiday Season

How prepared are you for Holiday entertaining? Recall the last time you gathered your family together for the holidays. Can’t remember the last time you organized drawers? Come on, let’s clean the turkey pan since it didn’t fit in the sink. That was your last holiday meal in your old, inefficient kitchen. When your home is the gathering place for the whole family during the holiday season, you might need a kitchen makeover! 

Photo of a kitchen makoever with current style and finish - A Kitchen Makeover for the Holiday Season

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How Bathroom & Kitchen Renovation Projects Can Affect the Value of Your Home

Your home is one of the most expensive (i.e. valuable) assets you own. And you should not allow it to lose its value. There will be times when you want to make improvements. Understanding which renovations increase your home’s value the most is super helpful. That answer, my friend, is bathroom & kitchen renovation projects.

Photo of a modern kitchen renovation - How Bathroom & Kitchen Renovation Projects Can Affect the Value of Your Home

Think about why you want to renovate your home. It’s rare to just increase the property’s value. More often it’s about making the home a better place to live. Though, there are times when people want to make their home more attractive to buyers and easier to sell.

These are the people that renovate their properties to sell them above the average price and make more returns on investment, says Rent Easy, a professional property management firm. Studies show that one of the top three reasons for renovation is to make upgrades that will improve the value of the home. However, not all renovations do this. Some renovations may be expensive, but they do not add much value to a property, while others are inexpensive, but also give the most returns on investment


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Selling a House with Water Damage

A lot of people will experience water damage in their homes at some point, especially if their home has a basement. While some people choose to have water remediation services to resolve it, others resort to selling their properties. So if you’re selling a house with water damage there are definitely some things you’ll want to know.

Photo of a finished walkout basement - Selling a House with Water Damage
If you have a basement that looks like this, the last thing you want is water damage to enter into the picture.

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5 Tips for Creating Your Dream Bedroom

So you’ve decided that you want to redo your bedroom. You want something different and you’re tired of coming home to the same old stuff every day. Or maybe you just spent too long in here in 2020 and 2022 is right around the corner. Read on to learn five great tips for creating your dream bedroom.

Photo of a newly updated bedroom - 5 Tips for Creating Your Dream Bedroom
Photo by Jean van der Meulen

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