22 Extremely Important Tips for Home Safety

Safety in the home is a prime factor. We should all diligently observe what is going on around us. For that reason, here are 20 extremely important tips for home safety that everyone should read. Take the time to remember these and you’ll improve your quality of life.

Photo of a family with a dog
PIt’s especially important for families with small children and pets to be aware of these important home safety tips.

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How to Get a Luxury Vibe on a Budget

If you’re like me, then you’ve marveled at the interior décor they have in luxe hotels and the kinds of homes that end up on magazine pages. I’ve always wanted to have a home like that, but it can be challenging, particularly if you’re on a tight budget. But, luckily enough, there are many ways to give your home that luxury vibe on a budget.

Photo of living space decluttered

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Relocating to Kentucky: What You Need to Know

Moving is a big deal. Moving to a new state is an even bigger deal! Relocating to Kentucky doesn’t have to be a major problem. With some great advice and proper planning, your move to Kentucky could be the best thing that ever happened to you!

Photo of the Louisville walking bridge by Tre Pryor - Relocating to Kentucky

First, I’ve recently updated my Top 10 Tips for Relocating to Louisville. If you’re moving to Louisville, Kentucky, great! I’m always happy to help. Looking at another city in Kentucky? Just let me know, I might know a great agent who’s an expert in that city.

This article isn’t about specific tips about relocating, like the one linked above. It’s about the bigger picture. It’s about why relocating to Kentucky is a wonderful thing. Once you’ve read it, I believe you’ll feel the same thing.


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Symptoms of a Failing Septic System

If you have a failing septic system, there are usually a few indications of this happening that you may or may not pick up on. Sometimes things are obvious like backed-up drains and a foul smell. Other times these things are not so obvious to the uninitiated. Notice especially lush grass growth near the site of your septic tank.

Photo of a home's yard where the septic system lives

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How to Make Your Small Space Look Bigger with Design

If your living space seems a bit too “cozy” for your taste, there are ways you can make your small space look bigger. The secret? It’s all about making the right design decisions. From changing the color of the walls to choosing the right window treatments, there are many things you can do to achieve your goal.

Photo of room with matching, see-through curtains
When your curtains all match, and even better, are semi-transparent then your small space will look much bigger.

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Top 5 DIY Ideas to Transform Your Outdoor Space

For long, outdoor space has been recognized for promoting health and happiness. Research has shown that people who live on a property with green and vibrant outdoor spaces enjoy improved general well-being. If you love outdoor space, you try to make your space as beautiful and healthy as possible. Here are 5 enchanting yet super simple DIY ideas to help you transform your outdoor space.

Photo of a flower bed by a home
Flowers always make a great statement about your outdoor space.

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Tips for Choosing a Roofing Contractor

Regardless of how much you try to keep your roof well-maintained, it will eventually need some repair. There are several factors that can cause damage to your roofs such as age, severe weather conditions, debris, and poor workmanship. A small leak may seem harmless but it can cause more damage and severe aggravation to other parts of your house. It is a sign that you need to renovate your home.

Photo of two roofing contractors
Every city has a large number of roofing contractors. How do you find the best one for your job?

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5 Simple Ways to Secure Your Home

All over the world, crime is increasing at an alarming rate. In the US, there is at least one crime committed every minute. A lot of these crimes are carried out in residential areas and involve breaking into people’s homes. Many such burglaries result in the loss of properties and in some unfortunate instances, loss of life. Protecting yourself, your loved ones, and valuables from intruders is easy if you know what to do. In this short article, we will explore 5 ways to secure your home against break-ins.

Image of criminal breaking into a home

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5 Things You Should Know About Home Selling

Home selling isn’t rocket science but there are best practices that truly help. As a homeowner, you might never consider certain things you should do before selling your home. Speaking of which, in this piece, we will be discussing some important factors you should mind when planning to list your house for sale.

Photo of a home selling in Louisville Kentucky

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Preparing For Summer? 5 Cool Ways to Get Your House Ready

At the beginning of March every year, daylight savings time starts all over Louisville – and by November, it ends. Between this duration, summer sets in gradually, and before you know it the weather becomes really hot. But you don’t have to wait until that time to start preparing for summer and getting your home ready.

Photo of tech installing a mini split system

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