Trending: Large Scale Lighting Is Big

Just like all things in home décor, lighting goes through various phases. One of the biggest – literally! – trends in lighting today is large scale lighting fixtures, both for indoor and outdoor uses. These statement pieces are designed to marry form with function. Not only do they cast a beautiful light in a large space, but they also provide a stunning and truly statement-making addition to any room’s décor.

Large scale lighting model ACERO URCHIN from Yellow Goat Design
It’s true, large-scale lighting is a hot trend in interior design. Do you have a large space that begs for a premium piece?

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Psychology of Marketing Real Estate, Part 3: Where

Welcome to my third and final piece to the puzzle on the Psychology of Marketing Real Estate. This time we’ll be looking at the “where.” If you missed either of the first two parts, I’ve linked them here:

Graphic of the Internet
The Internet has forever changed the way we market real estate.

Where Part 1: Who looked at the people involved in the real estate process and Part 2: What looked at the home itself, today we’re going to focus on the places or locations where the actual marketing will take place. It’s traditionally the kind of real estate promotion that we’re all familiar with.

So without further ado, let’s begin!


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How to Attract High-Quality Tenants to Your Rental Home

Purchasing a property for the purpose of renting it out can be a lucrative move for many individuals and families. Whether your rental home is meant for renting out during special occasions like the Derby, or you’d like a year-round steady stream of income, these tips will help you attract the best tenants.

Attract High-Quality Tenants to Your Rental Home
Having a beautiful home is just the start. All investors want to attract high-quality tenants to your rental home so read on!

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Psychology of Marketing Real Estate, Part 2: What

If you didn’t check out Part 1 in this series—The Psychology of Marketing Real Estate—I encourage you to do so. We started with the most important ingredient, people, and now we’re moving on to the physical product itself… the home!

Photo of a lovely condo in Louisville Kentucky
First impressions are a powerful thing. Make sure your listings are making highly positive ones! | Photo:

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How to Find Your Dream Home

Choosing a home can feel overwhelming. Not only is a house the largest purchase you will probably ever make but also the home you choose will affect your life every day. However, if you want to know how to find your dream home, read on.

Find your dream home photo
If you want to know how to find your dream home this article can help! (Image via Flickr by oatsy40)

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Outdoor Lighting Ideas: 4 Ways to Brighten Up Your Backyard Party

Summer is fast approaching, offering the promise of sunny days, warm nights, and plenty of outdoor events. Whether you’re getting ready to uncover the pool or fire up the barbecue, you have endless options for festive gatherings. Light your backyard parties with a special type of glow by using creative outdoor lighting ideas for your party.

Photo of Lanterns - Outdoor Lighting Ideas: 4 Ways to Brighten Up Your Backyard Party
One of the great outdoor lighting ideas is lanterns! | Image via Flickr by rkelland

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Psychology of Marketing Real Estate, Part 1: Who

Psychology of Marketing Real Estate image of parts of the brain
The Psychology of Marketing Real Estate is rather complex but let this handy, three-part series sort it out for you.

As with any business where humans participate, there is a psychology involved. Real estate is no different.

In fact, it’s more varied and diverse because there are a larger number of roles interacting with the buying or selling of properties.

In this article, I’m going to look at the psychology of marketing real estate from the Listing Agent’s perspective. While in my home city’s market is tilted towards home sellers just a few short years back this wasn’t the case.

And even expert Realtors can learn a thing or two when it comes to such an incredibly complex entity we call home buyers.


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Trends in Home Design for 2016

I’m always looking forward to seeing what the future might hold. This is especially true when it comes to trends that apply to our homes. As we’ve all heard, our house is our largest investment ever. Let’s look at some trends in home design for this year and we’ll grade the accuracy of some generally held beliefs.

Photo of a gas fireplace
When thinking about trends in home design for 2016, you have to include all the new gas fireplaces. They run the gamut from basic to all the bells and whistles so take your time and enjoy the shopping experience!

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Why Hiring a Professional to Create a Custom Closet is Wise

One of the best parts about being a homeowner is the freedom you have to change things around. Finding ways to enhance the functionality and appeal of a home is no easy task, but well worth the effort invested.

Photo of a custom closet
Custom closets are a big deal. They can also be quite expensive. Make sure you shop around for the best deal that fits your home and your pocketbook.

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