Louisville Home Ownership Rates Decline with National Trend

As the economy continues to struggle, it’s obvious that its effects have hit housing, as much as, any other sector. The sad truth—Louisville homeownership rates are in decline.

Photo of family in our Louisville home ownership rates story.
The American dream of home ownership has been missing of late. Louisville fares no better as the National trend sees a decline.

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Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods in Louisville

We may not be tuning in to Robin Leach’s “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” as we did in the 1980s but we still have our fair share of celebrity gawkers. Heck, HGTV has “Extreme Living” and “Million Dollar Rooms

Then, once I saw Yahoo! Finance run The 20 Most Expensive Neighborhoods in America, I knew I had to run the numbers for our fair city.

Let’s go Louisville!


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Successfully Negotiating a Louisville Home Sale

Some people believe that all it takes to get a super deal on a Louisville home sale is to run into a desperate seller who will take a low-ball price. This rarely happens.

Photo of a Louisville family home
When thinking about negotiating a Louisville home sale, this happy family likely followed the tips outlined below.

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How to Finance Louisville New Construction Homes

Three years ago my wife and I sold our dream home that we had built out in the country to move back into the city to raise our three kids. Having been a Realtor for four years, I have helped several people through the purchase process but you get a unique perspective when it is your family you are serving.

Photo of Louisville new construction home
Thinking about relocating to Louisville? This post shares the great reasons why such a move would really pay off.

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Top 10 Factors: When Should I Sell My Home?

We’ve put a great deal of thought into our Louisville Homes Blog Top 10 Lists and we appreciate all of your compliments along the way. Today, we’ve got another one that we hope you enjoy. We’re covering a topic that many people are contemplating, “When should I sell my home?” Read on!

Photo of a couple looking at a house model
You may not want to downsize this much but we’ve all wondered, “When should I sell my home?” There’s not an answer that works 100% of the time but this article will help you find the best time for you.

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The Housing Reform and Relocating to Louisville

Housing finance reform has seen progress since its inception and across the nation, house prices are beginning to bounce back. Here in Louisville, the housing industry has seen significant gains as of August.

Photo of great Louisville neighborhood when relocating to Louisville KY
Thinking about relocating to Louisville? This post shares of the great reasons why such a move would really pay off.

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When Can You Trust Your Realtor?

Trust. It’s the key facet of every human relationship. Before I became a Realtor, I thought Realtors enjoyed a great reputation. Why? Because my Realtor was a great guy—hardworking and trustworthy. I would refer him to all my friends and family, who each shared glowing recommendations. But how about you? Do you trust your Realtor?

Photo of hard working Realtor with a client
Can you really trust your Louisville Realtor? That’s a great question. Learn how here.

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Increasing the Value of My Home, Louisville KY

Are you searching for Increasing the Value of My Home? Here are three great home improvements that will definitely increase the value of your Louisville property. But first, there are a few things you should know. First, a lot of people think that the money they put into home improvements will return dollar for dollar when their house is put up for sale.

Photo of a very nicely done bathroom remodel - Increasing the Value of My Home
Bathrooms, along with kitchens, historically give some of the best return on investments of any Louisville home improvements.

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Louisville Foreclosure Rates Continue to Decline

CoreLogic does a great job of keeping on top of certain real estate data points. In particular, their coverage of foreclosures and delinquency rates is quite valuable.

Map of June 2013 Foreclosure Rate by ZIP Code in Louisville Kentucky and Southern Indiana
It is interesting to see where Louisville foreclosure rates are still at higher levels. It’s not necessarily urban versus suburban either.

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