Louisville Home Improvement Costs vs. Values for 2010

For the past three years we’ve published the Remodeling Cost vs. Value data for Louisville remodeling projects. For reference, I’ll link them up for you here.

Photo of an Updated Kitchen in Louisville KY
Performing a major kitchen remodel in Louisville KY with midrange quality items brings a 72.6% return on investment. Using upscale items just a 60.5% return. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Passive House Home Building Standard Gaining Support

We’ve written about energy-efficient home building in the past. Most recently with our review of last year’s Homearama and also with a post entitled Green Louisville Home: Simple Ways to Green Up Your Louisville Home.

photo of Technische Universitat in Darmstadt
Technische Universitat in Darmstadt, Germany won the Solar Decathlon competition with a Passive House-certified building design. (Credit: Martin LaMonica/CNET )

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Louisville Home Prices Down, Up Depending on Source

Handling data can be a tricky business. This famous quote was directed at how numbers can be manipulated—“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” With that in mind, I try very hard to present all the information in an unbiased manner and let you make up your mind about how that affects your personal situation in regard to housing here in Louisville.

Charts of Louisville home sales and Louisville home prices for Jefferson County KY MLS area 30 for the 12 month period ending September 2016
As you can see in this market report for Jefferson County KY, home prices are on an upward trend. Data is sourced from the Greater Louisville Association of Realtors (GLAR).

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Louisville Real Estate 2010 Winners and Losers

Today is the first day of December. 2010 is almost complete. Thoughts naturally turn reflective. With all the talk of the recession and its apparent end, how did Louisville real estate in 2010 perform? How did it compare with previous years? More importantly, in any given market, which groups benefited from current market conditions and which lost out?

Man looking out over a field of yellow flowers
Is he looking back on 2010? Or looking ahead to see if Louisville real estate in 2011 will resemble a field of flowers?

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New Tech Opens Homeowners to Theft

Foursquare logo
Foursquare might be fun but there’s a danger as well.

Isn’t all of our new technology fun? Honestly, raise your hand if you thought a few years ago that for the price of a few hundred dollars a person could let his smartphone “listen” to the music on the car stereo and tell him what song it is, who it’s by and even purchase and download the song immediately? Amazing! That application is called Shazam and it’s free! Wow.


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Louisville Cost of Living Compared to Rivals

By most accounts, the chief issue in our most recent elections was the economy, with unemployment as the lead contributing factor. As of September, Louisville, Kentucky has an unemployment rate of 9.8 percent which is slightly higher than the national average of 9.6 percent. Many are worried about where things are headed, as well they should be.

Downtown Louisville Kentucky
Learn how Louisville’s cost of living compares to rival cities in this handy post.

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