Freeze on Foreclosures a Mixed Bag, Opportunities and Risks Abound

It’s no secret that the housing market has seen better days, to put it politely. In a typical market, distressed properties account for 7% of all home sales. Some estimate that nationwide, that number is currently around 41%. Louisville real estate is far below both of these.

Photo of a Louisville house
Experts think there are tremendous opportunities in real estate for those with financial means. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Real Estate Investors Like Louisville

The Wall St. Journal had a piece earlier this week called 10 Best and Worst Markets for Real Estate Investors. It cites a Local Market Monitor, Inc. that looks to utilize “equilibrium” home prices. These take into consideration what home values should probably be in relation to population, job growth, income, and other factors.

Photo of a Louisville home
Certain homes are better suited to rental properties than others but real estate investors can find a lot to like about Louisville. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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10 Reasons To Buy a Louisville Home

Inspired by The Wall St. Journal’s timely and relevant 10 Reasons To Buy a Home, I thought our readers would enjoy hitting the same points but with a hometown flavor. Now we have these reasons to buy a Louisville home.

Photo of a family with their new home
Do you want to buy a Louisville home? You’re not alone.

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Expert Says Double Dip Housing Recession Not Likely

Predicting the future is always a tricky business. Nothing is a “sure thing.” There are no “locks.” Learning from the past and studying trends is about all the real estate prognosticator can do.

Chart of Top 15 Metro Markets in real estate gains from Aug 2009 - Aug 2010, including Louisville, KY at #11
Louisville, KY came in at #11 of the top-performing real estate markets from Aug 2009 to Aug 2010.

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Butchertown Awarded ‘Hot New Neighborhood’ by AOL

Adam Graham posted a piece last week that highlighted ten hot neighborhoods in the U.S. that travelers might want to include in their itinerary. If someone had told me that a Louisville neighborhood was included in the list, my first thought would surely be The Highlands.

Photo of new condos in Butchertown in Louisville, KY
These new condos at the corner of Market & Campbell Streets show that some urban renewal is happening in Butchertown. [Photo by Angry Aspie from the Butchertown, Louisville page on Wikipedia.]

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Home Sales Activity for Louisville vs. Nation

Came across a great resource on real estate stats for Louisville, KY on Lots to address but today I’ll just look at this first chart on home sales and growth since 2002.

Chart of Kentucky Home Sales (Red Line) and Sales Growth
This chart is for the entire state of Kentucky but it’s interesting to see how quickly the downturn came back up.

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How Much Can I Afford to Spend on a House?

“How much can I afford to spend on a house” is a relevant question that comes into the mind of thousands of homebuyers all over the world. To answer this question, the home affordability calculators offered by multiple lenders play an important role.

Photo of two men using a laptop and notepad to determine mortgage values
Online mortgage calculators can help prospective home buyers determine the appropriate amount to spend on a new Louisville home.

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Great Ideas in Kitchen Remodeling

Maybe it’s because one of my clients is planning a big kitchen remodel. Maybe it’s because I watch altogether way too much HGTV. Whatever the reason, I’ve been thinking about all the great options available to you, if you’re planning a Louisville home remodel. Let’s look at some of today’s great ideas in kitchen remodeling.

Photo of the Dacor vented range - Great Ideas in Kitchen Remodeling
This attractive range vent rises with the touch of a button and then recedes when you don’t want it there.

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