Tips to Get Your Pool Ready for Summer

Spring is just past and now Summer is in full swing! If you haven’t already, it’s time to get your pool ready for summer! Summer is the time for being able to truly enjoy the outdoors. When things get too hot, that’s where the pool comes in. Now, does your pool area have everything it needs? Let’s jump in! (Get it? Jump… OK, I’ll stop.)

Photo of a pool with lawn chairs - Tips to Get Your Pool Ready for Summer

Tips to Get Your Pool Ready for Summer

1. Pool Treatment

There are a number of things you should know about having a pool. First, taking care of the pool is essential. After all, the pool itself is the main attraction. Whether you hire a company to manage your pool or you take on the job yourself, you want the pool to be in great working shape.

First, this means performing any needed maintenance. This could be repairing the liner. Or it could be servicing the pool’s filter system. Run down the complete pool maintenance checklist. Check off every box!

Obviously, the water in the pool needs to be treated as well. Whether it’s a saltwater system or a chlorine system, you’ll want to follow the recommended guidelines to make sure your summer pool parties are a big splash! (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

2. Comfortable Seating

Next up will be to make sure you have enough seating and laying out spots. Maybe you’ll want to buy a new pool chair for this summer season. Towels on the concrete might work for the kids, but most adults will want something a bit more comfortable.

Don’t forget a table to match so that you can eat outdoors and enjoy the warmer temperatures. Today’s outdoor patio furniture comes in a large number of varieties and price points. Search online to find the best fit for your outdoor space and your budget.

3. Fun in the Sun

Now, if you’re looking to really enjoy your pool, you’ll want some great pool toys. If you have kids, they’re most likely already asking for these.

Once your pool is ready and the food is on the grill, don’t forget to take some photos. These are the family times that you’ll want to relive when the weather turns colder.

If you don’t have a pool current but are thinking about it, check out 4 things to know about swimming pools to get an idea of the pros and cons. Lastly, double-check to make sure what the rules are about having a fence around your pool. Certain HoAs require it and many municipalities do as well.

Here’s hoping we’ve helped you get your pool ready for Summer and that you enjoy a great pool season!