If the constant stream of home improvement shows on television is any kind of indicator, there’s probably a pretty strong contingent of do-it-yourselfers out there with big plans to turn their house into the home of their dreams. Maybe it’s taking out a wall to add a little more space to the bedroom. Maybe it’s tearing up old rugs and replacing them with some shiny new hardwood. Most of the time we’ve already seen it done on TV and think, “I can do that!”
When it comes to the buying and selling of real estate, everyone is on the lookout for a good bargain. The buyer is looking to buy a property with the most beneficial features at the lowest price, while the seller is looking to sell his/her property to the highest bidder who’ll close right away.
Sadly, cancer touches each of our lives. With health care costs rising so much in the past decade, we are faced with bills that far outreach our ability to pay.
Each of us can do a little bit to help those around us. Shirley’s Way exists to help those affected by cancer here in Louisville.(more…)
The future of sustainable housing is changing the way houses and buildings are being built, not just the materials that are used. It has to start from the foundations themselves. Sustainable housing ideally involves a home that is completely green and energy-efficient.
The future of sustainable housing must include solar energy. As you can see here, this housing development has solar panels on every structure.(more…)
Moving into a new home can be an exhausting experience. After so much hassle transporting cartons and boxes, painting, organizing renovations, and so much more, all you’ll want to do when you arrive is relax and enjoy your new space! But can you? Being organized will help you in the long run.
How will you know when you’re ready? Could it be, one day, it’ll just happen? Buying your first house is a big deal, scratch that, it’s a gigantic deal. It’s very important! Some take too long. Some dive in too quickly. This article gives you everything you need to know to make the right decision. Here are the six signs that let you know you’re ready to buy your first house. Dig in!
Here are the big keys to knowing whether you are ready to buy your first house.(more…)
What began as a simple experiment three years ago has now become a yearly obsession! I must complete this year’s version of the Choker’s Index at all costs! Do you know why? Because I need to be able to identify the teams that will wreck your brackets.
I’m not going to say the name of the NCAA’s biggest chokers but it rhymes with Boater Lame.
If you’re not familiar with the Choker’s Index, it’s a deep-dive into the data that surrounds which NCAA men’s basketball teams have a historical record of choking the big game and thusly… destroying your bracket. It’s heady stuff.
I hear you cry, “But this isn’t real estate? What’s going on Tre?!?”
Direct mail marketing is anything but an old-school artifact. It remains a key performer in any marketing strategy, especially when you consider that the U.S. Postal Service reports people of all ages enjoy regularly receiving and opening mail. And as more businesses transition their marketing efforts heavily to digital formats, your print marketing faces a lot less competition.
Email newsletters can be powerful tools to help real estate pros gain new customers and enhance brand recognition with existing ones.(more…)
Selling equity in your home can be the smart move, depending on your situation. Maybe you want to build your dream home. Maybe you want to take that vacation you’ve always dreamed of.
Selling quickly isn’t rocket science. There are tried and true methods to help you get it sold and get your equity out.(more…)
People ask me all the time, “Can I afford to buy a home?” If that’s you, you’ve found the right post! Of course, everyone’s details are different. But, this article will provide you with the framework needed to answer this very question.
Putting more money down in the purchase of their home is more than just a smart decision, people have learned that it also brings peace of mind.(more…)
With all of the investment opportunities in the world today, finding the right one for your particular situation can be a bit difficult. We have stocks, bonds, precious metals, and even cryptocurrency. One of the most tried and true methods of investing in real estate. This piece will highlight the benefits of investing In real estate.
Read through this piece to learn about a few of the benefits of investing in real estate.(more…)
Full disclosure, part Deux: I may be the Amur Leopard of the profession because I don’t lie and I’m a Realtor. So as you’re reading keep this in mind. Thanks!
When I first became a real estate agent, I was shocked to find out that public perception of real estate agents was low. But not just “low”… like only a few spots up from used car salesman.
She seems happy enough but is her real estate agent trying to pull a fast one?(more…)
When I was searching across the interwebs for the topic How to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent something occurred to me. One of the most searched-for themes on all of the Internet is “How do I become a successful…” and then different highly-searched things follow the words:
real estate agent
It looks like there are a lot of people who want to know “how to become a successful real estate agent.”(more…)
Louisville is a popular, affordable vacation destination. However, it’s understandable that Kentucky residents often prefer to take trips a little further from home. The state of Kentucky isn’t on the coast, but that doesn’t mean homeowners can’t dream of owning their own beachfront property.
South Padre Island in Texas should definitely be on your short list if you’re a real estate investor living in Kentucky. Especially if you’re looking for year-round warm weather.(more…)