Articles and News about Residential Real Estate

Things Are ‘Looking Up’ for First Time Homebuyers in Louisville

The Wall St. Journal wrote an article yesterday entitled For Some, It’s Finally Time to Dive Into Housing Market. Of course, they picked an extreme case to use as their example, as the real estate market in Phoenix, Arizona has been extremely volatile over the past decade and a half. I doubt you’ll see a price drop from $340,000 to $220,500 in less than two years in Louisville’s market, but you never know.

Photo of Home in St. Matthews
This house is not currently for sale but in hot areas like St. Matthews and the Highlands, home prices have dropped enough that buyers can find great deals.

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Louisville Weathers the Housing Crunch; Beats Cincinnati, Indianapolis

My thanks to a reader who thoughtfully sent this in. The Wall St. Journal does certain things very well. One of them is their “handy-dandy” charts. The other is their in-depth analysis. This time with Shrinking Prices, Rising Delinquencies they only batted .500. This was due in large part to the chart not working properly. That’s OK, we’ll forgive them because this piece wasn’t hidden behind a subscriber log-in.


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Save Money on Your Heating Bill This Winter

Louisville, Kentucky generally has mild winters but that doesn’t mean we should not take advantage of every opportunity to save money on our heating bills. You never know when we’ll have another massive snowstorm like we had this past year.

Photo of Winter in Kentucky
This is what Winter in Kentucky looks like. Are you prepared?

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Interview: Center Stage Homes of Louisville

In an effort to keep Louisville home sellers on the leading edge of national real estate trends, I was happy to meet with Melissa Marshbanks of Center Stage Homes to talk about home staging and how it can be used to help homeowners better market their property and get a leg up on the competition.

Elegantly Staged Living Room
When done well, exceptional staging puts your home above the competition. Stage your home like a pro, and it will sell faster and for more money, period.

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Old Louisville Homes Some of the Best in Nation According to ‘This Old House’

I’m not the only one bragging about Louisville’s real estate these days. It looks like the editors over at This Old House recognize the charm and value in our old Kentucky homes (pun intended).

Homes in Old Louisville
Homes in Old Louisville

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High End Real Estate Still Selling in Louisville

News outlets can continue to decry the housing market but Louisville isn’t behaving like other metro areas in many respects. Take, for instance, the upper echelon of properties in our city.

Photo of Waterfront Park Place
Waterfront Park Place is home to some of our city’s most expensive homes, which have sold better than many thought possible.

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Housing Markets Perform By Region, Louisville Is In Good Shape

It’s funny to hear the members of the national press parrot one another for months on end. That is until a new topic is launched then everyone gets on that train. On point, do you think Louisville is in good shape?

Photo of a secure front door
Looking at these stats, Louisville is in good shape. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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