Louisville House Prices Down 3.6% YTD

While it’s been a tough year for Louisville real estate, at least we can take some solace in knowing our market isn’t behaving like some of those in Florida, California and some other states. But for a city where home appreciation has run 4%-5% annually, any kind of departure from that trend isn’t expected or welcome.


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Best Louisville Neighborhoods: Landis Lakes

Landis Lakes, just south of Lake Forest off Shelbyville Road, is a gorgeous neighborhood with some remarkable homes. The price range for homes in this neighborhood starts in the low $400’s and moves up to the high $600’s. These are large homes, averaging around 3,400 square feet on generally 1/3-acre lots.

Homes for Sale in Landis Lakes, Louisville Kentucky
Learn more about homes for Sale in Landis Lakes Louisville KY. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Real Estate Blogs Give Anonymous Posters a Playground

I read an interesting story on the WSJ today called, Housing Blogs Throw Stones. It seems that many are taking out their real estate frustrations by going online and blasting away at other people’s houses… verbally, of course.

Curbed PriceSpotter: Central Park Before-and-After
Curbed PriceSpotter: Central Park Before-and-After

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Save Money on Your Heating Bill This Winter

Louisville, Kentucky generally has mild winters but that doesn’t mean we should not take advantage of every opportunity to save money on our heating bills. You never know when we’ll have another massive snowstorm like we had this past year.

Photo of Winter in Kentucky
This is what Winter in Kentucky looks like. Are you prepared?

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Best Louisville Neighborhoods: Beech Spring Farm

Home to Homearama in 2006, Beech Spring Farm is another grand, east-end neighborhood that caters to homeowners with exquisite tastes. The subdivision is located off Barbour Ln. near Brownsboro Farm, just down Highway 22 from Springhurst and Norton Commons, east of Prospect. This is a great place to consider if you’re looking for high-end homes built within the past five years in a neighborhood located inside the Gene Snyder Expressway so that you’re close to shopping, restaurants, and transportation.

Photo of a home in Beech Spring Farm Louisville KY neighborhood
Learn more about homes for sale in the Beech Spring Farm neighborhood of Louisville KY. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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