Sunrooms and More: A Guide to Additions for Your Home

Like life, it gets to a point where we need to revamp ourselves by doing something different to look or feel good. The same applies to our living spaces. Most homeowners get to a point where they think they need to make some changes to the “normal home look” that has always existed. We present this guide to additions for your home to help you view the whole picture accurately.

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Sunrooms are a great way to expand the footprint of your living space. | Image by Kimberly Montgomery

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The Importance of Property Management to Landlords and Tenants

The property management strategy a property investor chooses is arguably the next most important factor (after the location of the property) for the success of their investment. Property management affects not only the performance of a rental but the property investor’s ability to grow. This piece will highlight the strengths of hiring an outside property management group rather than managing the properties on your own.

Floorplan with keys level and money graphic

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8 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Big Money

As children, some of us had our eyes set on a profession in teaching, medicine, or technology. Others have always been drawn to the idea of real estate. But one big barrier remains. It takes money to get into real estate investing. And that money has to come from somewhere. Most of us aren’t born with money in the bank. This piece will outline eight ways to invest in real estate even if you don’t have a giant bank account.

Photo of saving coins to invest in a house - 8 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Big Money

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Top 7 Renovation Mistakes That Can Hurt Your House Value

Most homeowners want to sell their property for the highest price possible. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to do so, and investing in various renovations is one of them. But, blindly renovating anything without proper research and execution can do you more harm than good. In this article, we’re going to cover seven renovation mistakes that you’ll want to avoid.

Photo of a contractor using a saw to cut wood - Top 7 Renovation Mistakes That Can Hurt Your House Value
Photo by Annie Gray

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Louisville Real Estate Prices by Area

I’ve been writing a “Best Bang for Your Buck” article since 2014. (If you’re interested, I’ll link them at the bottom of this piece.) Somehow I missed writing last year’s article. Something must have interrupted my thinking *cough* *Covid* *cough*. Well, I’m not going to let that disrupt me again! So without further ado, here’s the most current data you can find on Louisville real estate prices by area.

Louisville Real Estate Prices by Area
Springhurst continues to be a great value for its prime location.

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2021 Home Staging Trends

Preparing your home for sale is a serious task. It involves several steps and may take away some of your time, but it’s worth it. It can help you find a buyer much faster, but also get a better deal. But the question that bothers sellers the most is – how to make a home attractive for the potential buyer? An important factor centers on current home staging trends.

Photo of minimalist interior design which is great for home staging - 2021 Home Staging Trends
Minimalist interior design is most often the best choice for staging a home to sell. | Photo by Francesca Tosolini

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Can You Spend Too Much on a Kitchen Renovation?

Most agree that kitchens are the most important room in the home. But is it possible to spend too much on a kitchen renovation? There are so many costly items that are needed for a great kitchen but real estate experts can help you identify where your money can go the farthest.

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Spend your money smartly and you can have a gorgeous kitchen without breaking the bank. | Image by ErikaWittlieb

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4 Biggest Mistakes New Real Estate Investors Make

The real estate business can be a very lucrative option for your investing your money. However, it does take hard work and smart decision-making to do it successfully. It requires you to thoroughly know and research the market so that you know how to buy a property at the right price. In this article, we will be hitting the four biggest mistakes new real estate investors make so that you can avoid them.

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4 Ways to Decorate Your Walls with Portraits

Artwork, portraits, and paintings can transform not just the bare walls of your home, but they also add personality. The way you decorate your walls can deliver the “Wow!” factor to any room by becoming the focal point that draws the eye. Portraits and art talk about your interests and the important people in your life.

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8 Key Things to Know about Florida Before Moving There

While many tourists visit Florida for its beautiful beaches and sunny weather, there are those who have been drawn in by the charms of the Sunshine State and decide to stay here permanently. And it’s no wonder, considering that Florida has great weather practically all year round, no state income tax, amazing cultural diversity, and so many other things going for it. But what do you need to know about Florida before moving there?

8 Key Things to Know about Florida Before Moving There
Photo by Nachelle Nocom

If you are considering moving to the Sunshine State, there are a lot of preparations that need to be done. A big part of this involves the logistics behind the actual moving process. Of course, you can always inquire about moving services Tampa residents trust and choose one that can help you. You can also inquire about their packing services for your convenience. 


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Realtors! 5 Ways to Stay Ahead of Your Competition

It’s quite difficult to come up with original real estate marketing ideas. Especially when your full-time job requires you to meet with clients, stay on top of the market, and do 100 other tasks. And we didn’t even talk about your competition. We have to admit… real estate is a tough business. But don’t worry! In this article, you’ll learn how to stay ahead of your competition.

Photo of a professional Realtor - Realtors! 5 Ways to Stay Ahead of Your Competition
When people in your market think about different agents, what they’re doing is comparing those agents’ brands. | Photo by mentatdgt

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Real Estate Marketing Tools That Will Grow Your Business

The real estate business has always been a very competitive market. And unless you’re a veteran realtor, it can be very difficult to start a business in this field. There are many things that need to be considered. Success isn’t guaranteed. But there are a few things you can do to help with this matter, especially when you get your hands on the right real estate marketing tools.

Photo of three people working on a laptop
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Technology advancements have made things simpler for real estate agents. There are now many applications and tools that can be used to help them sell more homes, in a shorter period of time. Let’s take a look at a few of the best real estate marketing tools.


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