Women Call the Shots When It Comes to Real Estate
When I first got into Louisville real estate, Howard Stacey, a successful broker for Semonin once said, "Real estate is a woman's business." He didn't mean it in a demeaning…
Opinion Pieces on Real Estate, Home Improvement, Interior Design and More
When I first got into Louisville real estate, Howard Stacey, a successful broker for Semonin once said, "Real estate is a woman's business." He didn't mean it in a demeaning…
Now that the holiday season is upon us, many people have already begun preparations for entertaining friends, visiting loved ones and enjoying the spirit of the season. But as most of us know, the holidays are not without their own set of unique concerns.
If you take a look underneath any desk that holds a computer or behind the setup holding audio and video equipment, you’re very likely to be confronted by a snarl of wires and cables. These wires have been added over time in order to meet the needs of various new types of communication. These lines compose the other wiring in your home—low-voltage communication lines.
As spring comes to your Louisville home, many homeowners will be investing in home improvement projects. Maybe you want to improve the look of your home. Or, possibly improve the security of your loved ones. It’s smart to check some home maintenance tasks off your to-do list in order to avoid expensive fixes later on. This way, you will raise your home’s value and save yourself money down the road.
Louisville is a great town. A party town some might say. Lots of people are moving to Louisville Kentucky… I know that’s true. We used to have just a single Great Balloon Race as part of the Kentucky Derby Festival. Then they added the Balloon Glow.
Some might consider this article’s title pure hyperbole. Let me be clear: It’s not. In July of 2012, the Flood Insurance Reform Act was passed. Some of its pieces weren’t “plugged in” until recently, but because of this piece of legislation, buying a certain home now can be like playing Russian roulette. Let’s learn about Louisville flood insurance.
Here’s the inside scoop…
When considering building your Louisville dream home, one of the first questions that comes up is,
“How do we get the money to build?”
Some people believe that all it takes to get a super deal on a Louisville home sale is to run into a desperate seller who will take a low-ball price. This rarely happens.
Housing finance reform has seen progress since its inception and across the nation, house prices are beginning to bounce back. Here in Louisville, the housing industry has seen significant gains as of August.
Trust. It’s the key facet of every human relationship. Before I became a Realtor, I thought Realtors enjoyed a great reputation. Why? Because my Realtor was a great guy—hardworking and trustworthy. I would refer him to all my friends and family, who each shared glowing recommendations. But how about you? Do you trust your Realtor?
Rather than publish a treatise on a topic. I prefer pictures. I bet you do too!
With our shared interest in mind, I’ve created the following chart to show how Louisville homes have performed in recent years during the housing recession.
I’ve spent a good many posts ranting about things that bother me in my career as a Louisville Realtor. Blog ranting is a good way to blow off steam.
(Better that than actually telling someone they’re a bad person. Heh.)
Perhaps the best movie theme music of all time.
Today I thought I’d hit the topic from a new perspective… all of them.
A lot of people think about wind or solar-paneled homes when they think about a green Louisville home. While there are certain houses like this available, they are not the norm – yet.
If you have a Louisville home loan you will be paying interest monthly on the whole balance that is still owed. At the beginning, almost all of the payment goes towards paying off the interest. As the years go by, however, less money is put towards the interest and more gets put towards the principal.
Real estate can be a tough business. Whenever you deal with people, things can be quite trying.
You’ve heard, “It takes all kinds.” But I’d much rather a world without selfish people.