Articles and News about Residential Real Estate

Which Homes Are Selling the Fastest in Louisville?

We have had a remarkable year for home sales here in Louisville. I’ve talked before about how extremely, low inventory levels are but despite that, we’re on the verge of surpassing last year’s incredible total.

Chart of Homes Sold in Louisville by Price Tier
For the year, Louisville home sales are higher than last year. But not in every price tier. I’m looking to see which homes are selling the fastest here in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Most Expensive Homes in Louisville: 2016 Edition

It’s always fun to take a peek inside the lives of the rich and famous, right? Well… it’s that time of year again. We’re going to take a look at the most expensive homes in Louisville that traded hands during 2016. We’ll also see how this year compares to years past.

Photo of 1830 Mayo Ln. Copyright 2015 Listing Agent
It’s fun to look at beautiful homes, right? Of course, it is.

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How to Avoid the Stress of Buying and Selling a House

Can I get real for a moment? Yes?! Thanks a bunch!

Photo of a woman stressed out in front of a laptop computer
You don’t have to get stressed out when buying your new home! Learn how to avoid the stress of buying and selling a house and you’ll have a much better experience.

Stress kills. It really does. Avoiding stress should be something all of us should be thinking about. Honestly, we can’t avoid all stress, but reducing it, that we can do. And I’m here to help!


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Find the Best Real Estate Agent in Louisville KY

Bit of a bait with that title but stick with me. I’m going to show you how to find the best real estate agent in Louisville with just five easy steps! It’s definitely doable.

First off, how many licensed real estate agents are in Louisville? Well, I used to know. But then our local association changed platforms and now it’s not public. (At least any place I can find.)

It used to be about 3,800 or so. That’s a big number, right? How can we pare that down?!


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Homearama 2016: Quantity & Quality

Homearama is like a Holiday for me, I simply love it. From the exterior architecture to the latest in interior designs… and it’s all brand new! What’s not to love?

Photo of entry into Homearama 2016 section of Norton Commons by Tre Pryor
I like to arrive early to avoid the rush… but then again so did a couple hundred other folks. | Photo by Tre Pryor

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Psychology of Marketing Real Estate, Part 3: Where

Welcome to my third and final piece to the puzzle on the Psychology of Marketing Real Estate. This time we’ll be looking at the “where.” If you missed either of the first two parts, I’ve linked them here:

Graphic of the Internet
The Internet has forever changed the way we market real estate.

Where Part 1: Who looked at the people involved in the real estate process and Part 2: What looked at the home itself, today we’re going to focus on the places or locations where the actual marketing will take place. It’s traditionally the kind of real estate promotion that we’re all familiar with.

So without further ado, let’s begin!


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How to Find Your Dream Home

Choosing a home can feel overwhelming. Not only is a house the largest purchase you will probably ever make but also the home you choose will affect your life every day. However, if you want to know how to find your dream home, read on.

Find your dream home photo
If you want to know how to find your dream home this article can help! (Image via Flickr by oatsy40)

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Psychology of Marketing Real Estate, Part 1: Who

Psychology of Marketing Real Estate image of parts of the brain
The Psychology of Marketing Real Estate is rather complex but let this handy, three-part series sort it out for you.

As with any business where humans participate, there is a psychology involved. Real estate is no different.

In fact, it’s more varied and diverse because there are a larger number of roles interacting with the buying or selling of properties.

In this article, I’m going to look at the psychology of marketing real estate from the Listing Agent’s perspective. While in my home city’s market is tilted towards home sellers just a few short years back this wasn’t the case.

And even expert Realtors can learn a thing or two when it comes to such an incredibly complex entity we call home buyers.


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Outdoor Man Caves Are a New Thing, Right?

I generally write all of the articles posted here at Louisville Homes Blog. I do have guest writers from time to time as well. But rarely will I simply link to another site. Unless I find a post that’s simply outstanding.

Photo of incredible outdoor man cave.
Where do I start? Well, the hot tub of course, duh. Look at this incredible space! Who needs a basement when you’ve got this? (Image via

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