Most Expensive Louisville Homes in 2018

Today is the day of our annual jaunt through the most expensive Louisville homes in 2018. I began this pilgrimage in 2015 and have enjoyed the journey. If interested, check out the 2016 and 2017 editions. Seriously though, who doesn’t like looking at amazing homes?!

Photo of staircase in Most Expensive Louisville Homes in 2018
It’s time to get grand!

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Where to Start Transforming Your Home to a Modern Space

Modern and contemporary interior spaces are stylish and can make all the difference between a house that feels cluttered and one that feels spacious. If you’ve been thinking, “I want to start transforming your home into a modern space!” then this article is for you.

Photo of a modern office space
Start transforming your home with this advice from industry experts.

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Mold in Your Home: What to Know About the Fungal Invader

As a new homeowner, the last thing on your mind is the potential presence of mold in your home. With more appealing aspects like interior design and move-in plans taking priority, it can be easy to forsake your overall health and safety. Here’s what you need to know about the household hazard and what you can do in the event you discover a mold problem.

Photo of mold in the home
Mold in your home can be a serious health problem. This article tells you what to do.

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Best Places to Buy a House in Louisville Kentucky

In years past, I titled this annual post “Bang for Your Buck by Neighborhood.” I started this concept in 2014 when I wrote for Insider Louisville. And it’s simply incredible to see how far we’ve come in just four years. I mean, stop and think about it. When you are thinking about the best places to buy a house in Louisville, it really starts with your budget.

Photo of home in Glenview, Louisville KY
Glenview is home to some of Louisville’s most amazing properties.

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Top Tips For Organizing Your Garden

Your attention will more than likely turn to your exterior once the sun starts to shine. However, you might simply want to pretend it isn’t there if it is overgrown with weeds or there are patches in your grass. Rather than ignoring your messy exterior, you should revamp the space to create a design that will be the envy of your neighbors. Get started by reading the below top tips for organizing your garden.

Photo of a garden with lighting

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Thinking Forklift for a Big Home Project? 3 Things You Need to Know

.Most people focus on a project rather than the things needed to complete it successfully, This is why equipment rental can become a major factor. Costs, experience, and job completion are also problematic when you made the wrong decisions. OSHA has some load handling guidelines when it comes to your next big home project:

  • What duties do you need the forklift for? Do you have the skills to operate it?
  • Where will you use the forklift? Indoors or outdoors? Are there any narrow areas I will need the forklift to fit?
  • What is your budget? Are there any tools or attachments you need to get?
Photo of a forklift you might need for a big home project
Thinking about renting a forklift for your next big home project?

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Here’s Why You Should Replace Paint with Wallpaper

If you are planning to redecorate your house, get ready to face a big challenge. Hard work aside, you have to think about design, decorating style, colors, and other details. When it comes to walls, more and more people are understanding why you should replace paint with wallpaper.

Photo of some classic wallpaper
Classic wallpaper as you see here is making a big comeback.

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Available Homes for Sale in Louisville KY

When someone says “available homes for sale” what they’re talking about is active listings. The fancy term for that is housing inventory. They all mean the same thing. And to put it bluntly, the available homes for sale in Louisville KY are dangerously limited.

Photo of a home in Clifton Louisville Kentucky by Tre Pryor
This cute home in Clifton represents the kind of property that’s becoming increasingly difficult to find. | Photo by Tre Pryor

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Kitchen Cabinet Details That Will Make You Say “Wow”

Obviously, when putting new kitchen cabinets in your home they have to function properly in order to best meet your needs. But they can add value to your home in another way as well. If you find kitchen cabinet details that meet your personal tastes and style then you’ve really won!

Photo of kitchen cabinet details

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Don’t Miss These Factors that Affect Moving

Moving is not as easy as it sounds. There are many aspects of moving that one can forget easily which can prove disastrous later. Let’s say you’re looking for movers in Los Angeles. Finding the moving company is just the first step. There are many factors that affect moving you will also want to consider.

Photo of a moving truck

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Hottest Office Design Trends to Look Out For in 2018

Most of us spend about half of our waking day at work in an office space specifically designed for our wants, needs, and most importantly productivity. Its purpose is to provide a good working environment for everyone. This is done by enabling both a productive and pleasant atmosphere and a practical platform for employees to share ideas. The hottest office design trends will help you work as a team, which leads to achieving company goals.

Photo of a space that reflects the hottest office design trends

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