Louisville Housing Market 7 Year Report, Period End May 2011
May has disappointed me greatly. I had far greater plans in mind only to see them dashed on the rocks.

May has disappointed me greatly. I had far greater plans in mind only to see them dashed on the rocks.
If you’re thinking about a quick and inexpensive way to update your home, consider kitchen and bath fixtures. Whether you’re selling or remodeling, take a look at your cabinetry hardware. Is it worn or outdated? Consider new satin or polished nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finishes. Simple, sleek contemporary or trans-modern styles are popular at Willis Klein Showrooms in St. Matthews, says Director of Marketing Rebecca Johnson.
The current issue of Parenting Magazine lists some of their top cities to raise a family and Louisville made the list! Louisville, KY came in at #10. At the top…
There are a myriad of ways to approach a career selling real estate. Many have the perception that it’s a sales job. It is not. It’s a service job. Some don’t understand the difference or are bound by different motivations but in either case, the best Louisville Realtors serve their clients.
The Wall St. Journal doesn’t focus on our local market but the points they make for the country as a whole can be applied to our situation.
With the Derby and Preakness behind us, I thought I’d utilize an appropriate theme in the title. Over on the Louisville Homes Blog (now retired), I’ve been writing consistently on reasons why people should be investing in real estate right now. Whether that’s improving their own home or taking advantage of the current market conditions to improve their portfolio, there’s just too much to like about Louisville real estate right now.
More great news for our city! Sperling’s has rated Louisville, KY the third safest city for families with young children. How do their rankings work? I wondered the same thing myself.
Another month of waiting is behind us. What have we learned? Not much… we’re still waiting.
Design*Sponge, the best design blog ever, has just posted its Louisville City Guide! Among the hot spots are places for your last-minute Derby needs for your home, yourself, and for entertaining out-of-town guests.
Posted the other day over on LHB that many (most?) home buyers these days are looking for real estate deals. And, new construction doesn’t fall into that category.
We all have heard that the housing market is “down.” It’s taking longer for people to sell their homes and some just won’t sell at all. (This is primarily true in the higher price ranges.) While this is tremendous news for Louisville home buyers, sellers continue to have a difficult time.
Love the warmth and beauty of wood flooring but not sure where to start. Here are a few tips! As you’re shopping, keep in mind your budget and how long you plan on staying in the home.
I took the time to add the historical trend line to these charts as I do in our monthly Louisville Housing Reports. And the trend is nothing if not consistent. March home sales in Jefferson and Oldham Counties have, like previous months, trailed 2010 and only barely topped 2009.
As a Louisville home seller, you’ll need to find out more about moving your belongings before getting started. Moving can be an organized state of affairs or it can be a disorganized disaster just waiting to happen. Here are five must-know moving tips you need to know before planning your move.
Always on the lookout to see how Louisville stacks up to our competition. Today I see The Daily Beast ranked our nation’s cities by their concentration of fast food restaurants.