Louisville 9th Least Expensive Cities Says Kiplinger

Kiplinger and Forbes have been singing our city’s praises lately. Recently Forbes ranked Louisville 37th in Nation for Housing Recovery. Then Kiplinger named Louisville the regional winner for home price stability. Then, to top it off, Forbes claims Louisville real estate is the 4th most affordable in the nation.

Photo of Louisville, Most Affordable Cities
Louisville, KY keeps raking up national real estate accolades.

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VA Loan Primer

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) supports specific home loans. These are called VA Loans and are available to veterans or active duty service members wishing to purchase a home. Since its inception, the VA loan program has helped nearly 18 million veterans and active duty service men and women achieve homeownership.

Photo of a front door knocker
Could the key to getting your first home be located in this VA Loan Primer?

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Home Organization with Closets by Design

I had a chance to sit down and chat with Amelia Presler of Closets by Design to learn more about their products and how they might fit into today’s Louisville home improvement environment.

Closets by Design in Westport Village
Closets by Design is one of many home-focused businesses that are based in the newly, redesigned Westport Village. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Louisville #4 Most Affordable City to Buy a Home

The Forbes.com website confuses me. I know they’re trying to have more pages, so each page can have more ads, thus more ad revenue, but as far as navigating it, I always find it frustrating.

Photo of Home in Douglass Hills
Houses like this great ranch home in Douglass Hills are quite affordable when compared with the nation as a whole. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Low Mortgage Rates in the News

Just days after I posted Mortgage Rates Lowest in 40 Years we see a national story touching the same topic with Mortgage rates remaining at the lowest level in decades. (Think the AP is shadowing me?)

Just how low can you go?

The last time home loan rates were lower was the 1950s, when most mortgages lasted just 20 or 25 years.


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Mortgage Rates Lowest in 40 Years

As in life, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Looking at our Louisville real estate home values and number of sales, we see that 2010 is a big improvement over 2009. That’s good news! But 2009 wasn’t a very good year, to begin with. That’s bad news. But now mortgage rates are at their lowest levels in 40 years.

Chart: Mortgage Interest Rates for the Past 36 Years

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Interior Design on a Budget, You Can Afford It!

There are many myths surrounding the interior design profession that we are always happy to debunk. One of those myths is that the average person cannot afford an interior designer. Here are the reasons why this isn’t true and how a designer can actually save you money. Read on to learn more about interior design on a budget.

J. Renee Designs - Design Portfolio

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