Articles about Home Improvement and Home Maintenance

Great Ideas in Kitchen Remodeling

Maybe it’s because one of my clients is planning a big kitchen remodel. Maybe it’s because I watch altogether way too much HGTV. Whatever the reason, I’ve been thinking about all the great options available to you, if you’re planning a Louisville home remodel. Let’s look at some of today’s great ideas in kitchen remodeling.

Photo of the Dacor vented range - Great Ideas in Kitchen Remodeling
This attractive range vent rises with the touch of a button and then recedes when you don’t want it there.

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Home Organization with Closets by Design

I had a chance to sit down and chat with Amelia Presler of Closets by Design to learn more about their products and how they might fit into today’s Louisville home improvement environment.

Closets by Design in Westport Village
Closets by Design is one of many home-focused businesses that are based in the newly, redesigned Westport Village. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Green Louisville Home Builders on the Rise

I think it’s safe to say that Green is the new Black and that’s not likely to change. But many green products are very costly and their benefit to the environment is relatively small. So, how do we decide which ones make the most sense?

GREEN certified and Energy Star certified home in Briar Hill
This Briar Hill home in Oldham County is Energy Star certified and it is currently for sale. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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10 DIY Cheap and Easy Ways to Protect Your Home

A home is burglarized every 15 seconds. This information comes straight from the FBI. This results in thousands per hour and untold millions in stolen goods, not to mention the rise in insurance premiums. Don’t be part of the statistics by following these top ten DIY cheap and easy ways to protect your home.

Photo of two home security cams
Security cameras are now becoming less expensive and easier to set up.

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Improve Your Deck for the Fourth

Home improvements can cover anything from replacing a faucet to adding an addition to your house. Given that it’s the 4th of July, I thought I’d post how you can improve your outdoor experience by updating your deck. Just three steps… let’s get started!

Photo of a nicely stained deck
Wood decks require you to stain them every few years to ensure a longer life.

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